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Table of Contents

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A task is the subunit of an activity. Each activity is made up of one or more tasks. See also Structure of a process. An activity is completed only, when all contained tasks have been completed.
A task is a correct work step that must be executed by an employee before the next process step can be started.
The task assignment determines, who has to do the task.

Tasks have a name, a description, if required a direct Assignment, and can contain Links.

<100% 200px>
Element Description
1 Direct access to the Properties of a task is possible with this symbol.
2 This column contains the name of the task.
3 This column contains the responsible of the task, if one has been assigned.
4 This column contains the working group of the task, if one has been entered.
5 The symbol in this column indicates whether the task is an task which was created AdHoc.
6 This shows if Links are available and if it is so (symbol is filled with color) the overview window of the links can be viewed directly.
7 This shows if Documents are stored for the task and if it is so (symbol is filled with color) the overview window of the documents can be viewed directly.
8 This shows if Notes are stored for the task and if it is so (symbol is filled with color) the overview window of the notes can be viewed directly.
9 With this symbol the Smartform can be opend in a seperate window.
10 With this checkbox tasks can be finished.
en/software/tim/tasks.1404476691.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:54 (external edit)