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<100% 200px>
Element Description
1 Name of the task
2 Respective instance, incl. starting time
3 The saved description in Signavio, which describes the exact task definition.
4 The due date of the task, see CPM
5 Overview about how many information are attached to the task in addition ( Documents , Notes , Links)
6 The Assignment can be changed here by the processmanager.
7 This shows how much time has passed by since the beginning of the task.
8 The task can be finished by clicking this button.
9 An AdHoc task can be created by clicking this button. See AdHoc tasks


In this tab you can upload documents.


In this tab you can attach notes.

In this tab the Links can be viewed, which were attached to the task in Signavio. The name of the link and the destination point / URL of the link is displayed.


Efforts for a task can be stored. These efforts can have either the unit cost or time.

<100% 200px>
Element Description
1 Symbol that shows whether the unit is cost or time.
2 How many units were estimated, either curreny or minutes.
3 Displays the responsibel cost center.
4 Displays the exact description of the effort.
5 You can create efforts by clicking this button. See Create effort.
6 This displays the time at which the effort was created.
7 This displays which user has attached the effort.
Create effort

The following window will open, if a new effort shall be created:

<100% 200px>
Array Description
Kind Selection if the effort is a cost or a time effort.
Effort How big the effort was can be entered here ( cost = currency, time = minutes)
Cost center The relevant cost center can be entered here.
Description An additional description can be entered here which defines the effort more accurately.


A graphic of the process model is displayed in this window. Active activities have a colored frame which shows the progress of the process.


In this tab is the Smartform which displays information and provides them for processing.

en/software/tim/task_properties.1404801225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:55 (external edit)