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Process Repository Client (PRC)

The Process Repository Client (PRC) was developd to keep track of individual processes and different versions of their deployment. Older versions can be recovered and used again without too much effort. Furthermore, a history of changes implemented since the last version is documented by the PRC. The latter feature is meant to provide an overview and enables a swift and effective reaction to a broad range of customer needs.

Element Description
1 A list of all the different processes is provided in this section. By clicking on a specific process a drop-down menu appears which provides a list of different versions of a process. By selecting a version an information box will show up on the left-hand side of the screen.
2 The date of deployment and the version number will be shown if an individual version is selected. The version number will always be automatically updated. Additionally, a function is included which makes it possible to restore a selected older version of the process. As depicted in Field 1, versions which already have been deployed in the past are marked by a green checkmark-symbol and are assigned read-only status.
3 This drop-down menu provides a list of all attributes being used in the process. By selecting an attribute the corresponding properties will show up beneath the drop-down menu. In addition, all the Swimlanes of the process model will be listed.
4 This area provides a list of information about all selected attributes from Field 3. This also entails information on the name and the value of each attribute. Information regarding the deployer and the owner as well as the starter and the name of the user who created this version will also be provided if the option “General Process Attributes” has been selected from the drop-down menu.
5 This field contains elements like the actual process model, descriptions, Smartforms and sections. The corresponding information will be provided by clicking on any desired tab.
6 The tab Model depicts a comprehensive overview of the process model of a paticular version.
7 Description offers a concise description of a version's process.
8 The tab Smartform gives access to the source code of this Smartform which is embedded in the process.
9 Sections shows definitions pertaining to Section Handling, which have been already established at the stage of process modelling.


After having selected the desired version which is supposed to be restored, a new version will be generated by the PRC after clicking on the button “Restore”. This newly generated version will be assigned the next consecutive version number in line. The new version can then be edited by any user due to the fact that at this stage it is has not been properly deployed yet, which in turn means that it will not have the status of read-only. Within the PRC it is possible to edit a version in the same way as using the corresponding tool for modelling.


The following section describes how the process can be changed in a simple and quick way by using the PRC:

Deployer, owner and starter

By clicking on a restored version which has not yet been deployed, the three main assignments of a process can be changed: (1) deployer (who is authorized to deploy the current process?), (2) owner (who is the person owning this process?) and (3) starter (who is entitled to start this process?).

Model, description, Smartform and section


The model itself can't be changed with regard to its form. But, what can be changed are settings for certain tasks and activities. Individual tasks can be selected by accessing them via the process model or, alternatively, via the drop-down menu (please refer to the corresponding section above for more information!).

  • Tasknode
  1. Model: Field 1 and Field 3 demonstrate how to access a Tasknode. This can be done either directly via the process model itself or alternatively via the drop-down menu. Field 2 shows where exactly the duration of each node can be changed.
  2. Description: This field remains empty as long as there is no suitable description available for this particular node. But it is possible to add a description at any time if desired. In case that a description is already existing it can either be edited and changed or completely deleted at one's discretion.
  3. Events: In case that there are some events already existing they will be listed in Field 1. Otherwise, new events can be created by clicking on the Field 2.
  4. Tasks: All existing tasks will be listed in Field 1 where they are also accessible for further editing. New tasks can be added at any time by clicking on the corresponding button in the Field 2.
  • Mailnode
  1. Model: By selecting a particular mailnode the duration can sustantially be changed.
  2. Events: All existing tasks will be listed in Field 1 where they are also accessible for further editing. New tasks can be added at any time by clicking on the corresponding button in the Field 2.
  3. Email Parameter: All relevant settings for sending e-mails can be arranged and changed by accessing this particular tab.
  • Swimlane
  1. Model: This displays the name and the assignment for each Swimlane. Even though the name of each Swimlane cannot be changed this does not apply in the same exact way with regards to the actual assignment. In contrast to the above mentioned mailnodes, a Swimlane can only be selected via the drop-down menu and not by trying to access the process model.
  2. Description: A description for a corresponding Swimlane can be entered and/or changed in this field.


The changed process has to be reintegrated into T!M after all changes have been applied. This can effectively be done by clicking on the button “Publish”. In contrast to the normal procedure of deployment further login information (user + password) is not required due to the fact that the user is already logged in to the PRC with his own individual account. A simple click is therefore sufficient to start this procedure. After the publication is finished a green-colored check mark will indicate if this latest version has successfully been integrated into T!M. In addition, the date and the exact time of publication will be shown. This version again will afterwards have read-only status assigned.

en/software/tim/processrepository.1417170962.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:54 (external edit)