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Adjusted Help PDF

A Help PDF can be called at various points, e.g. via the question mark symbole in the ToDo Client. This PDF provides short instructions for finishing tasks. It can be adjusted by placing corresponding PDFs in the “custom” folder of the client.


The PDFs' names for the different languages hav to be named as follows:

 '3steps2done_' + 'LANGUAGE-' + 'SPECIFICATION' + '.pdf' 

For the placeholder then a abbriviation for the language has to be put, e.g. “de” for German, “en” for English and so on..

British English: “3steps2done_en-GB.pdf”
American English: “3steps2done_en-US.pdf”
German: “3steps2done_de-DE.pdf”
en/software/tim/help_pdf.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:52 (external edit)