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Table of Contents

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Deploying a process definition

A process definition has to be deployed in a first step to be then successfully integrated into T!M. Only after the deployment is a process definition available for use.
For this procedure to be successfully implemented, a process definition in .zip-format has to be selected.
The user has to be registered as a deployer in Signavio. In addition, the user also has to have the rights Recht of an deployer.


A message of confirmation will be shown after the deployment procedure has been successfully run without encountering any problems.


A message will also be shown in case that an error has occurred.


If in case of an error the process definition could not be properly deployed please try first the following steps before contacting support:

  • Has the name of the user been correctly entered into the form?
  • Has the password been correctly entered?
  • Has the user or group been correctly granted the status of a deployer?
  • Has the process been correctly modelled (Check for deployment)?
  • sind alle Rollen in den Eigenschaften des Prozessmodells korrekt hinterlegt?
  • besitzt der Benutzer das Recht deployer?
Sollten Sie dennoch Probleme haben, so können Sie sich gerne mit der server.log an wenden.
en/software/tim/deploy_processdefinition.1416826430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:55 (external edit)