Ansammlung nützlicher Funktionen welche oftmals im Einsatz sind. Die Funktionen sind größtenteils so gehalten, dass sie bei anderen Kunden ohne viel Aufwand verwendet werden können.
Achtung: jQuery wird dringend benötigt!!
<!-- select Users By Group --> <select name="BELIEBIG" id="BELIEBIG" group="TIM Gruppe" class="BELIEBIG"> </select> <!-- populateSelectFromCSV --> <select id="BELIEBIG" csvFile= "/loom-portal/custom/test/Ressources/test.csv" csvCols="SpalteA;SpalteB" name="BELIEBIG" class="form-control"></select> <!-- checkValidInput --> <input type="text" name="BELIEBIG" id="BELIEBIG" regex="^d*$" message="Hier steht die Meldung die ausgegeben wird sollte die Regex false sein"/>
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var customUrl = "/loom-portal/custom/BELIEBIGERORDNER/"; scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); scriptTag.setAttribute("src", customUrl + "smartformHelper.js"); head.appendChild(scriptTag); (function($, scope){ var helper = gadget.functions.initFormularFunctions.bind(scope)(); /* Beispiele Funktionsaufrufe: */ //setValue helper.setValue("ID","WERT"); //getValue var value = helper.getValue("ID"); //ajaxCall helper.ajaxCall(Type, URL, dataType, contentType, callback); //stringContains var bool = helper.stringContains("SUCHWERT", "SUCHMENGE"); var bool2 = helper.stringContains("SUCHWERT", ["ARRAY","AUS","STRINGS","DAS","DURCHSUCHT","WERDEN","SOLL"]); //selectUsersByGroup helper.selectUsersByGroup( $("select") ); //forceRedraw helper.forceRedraw( $("select") ); //getUserName var firstname_lastname = helper.getUserName( gadget.getEntity("currentUser") ); //getUserNameReverse var lastname_firstname = helper.getUserNameReverse( gadget.getEntity("currentUser") ); //getUserDepartment var department = helper.getUserDepartment( gadget.getEntity("currentUser") ); //getDateString var ddMMyyyy = helper.getDateString( new Date() ); //getTime var hhmm = helper.getTime( new Date() ); //populateSelectFromArray helper.populateSelectFromArray("ID", ["Wert1","Wert2"], ["Wert1"]); //populateSelectFromCSV helper.populateSelectFromCSV(); //checkValidInput var bool = helper.checkValidInput($("input")); //alert helper.alert("TITLE","MESSAGE",function(){ //tu was }) //confirm helper.confirm("TITLE", "TEXT", "BUTTON OK TEXT", "BUTTON ABBRECHEN TEXT", function(decision){ if(decision) // tu was }) })( this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView != null) ? this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView.jQuery : this.form.ownerDocument.parentWindow.jQuery , this);
Dabei zu beachten sind Folgende Punkte:
/* Method Index setValue: Sets value, merges local and inserts value in smartformfield if there is one (Params: id, value) ---------------------------------------------------------- getValue: Returns blank if undefined (Params: id) ---------------------------------------------------------- ajaxCall: Führt Ajaxcall aus und gibt Response an eine Callback weiter (Params: Type, URL, dataType, contentType, callback) ---------------------------------------------------------- stringContains: Prüft ob Zeichenkette vars in Wert var vorhanden ist. vars kann ein String oder ein Array aus mehreren Strings sein (Params: variable1, variable(s)2) ---------------------------------------------------------- selectUsersByGroup: Fill dropdowns with all users or users from group. Exepts Classname of the dropdowns HTML: <select name="INSERT A NAME" id="INSERT AN ID" class="INSERT A CLASSNAME" group="INSERT A TIM GROUP"></select> Params: classname ---------------------------------------------------------- getUserName: Returns Firstname, Lastname from user got. If undefined returns username. (Param: User) ---------------------------------------------------------- getUserDepartment: Returns department of userGot (Param: user) ---------------------------------------------------------- getDateString: returns date as string in format dd.MM.yyyy (Params: Date) ---------------------------------------------------------- getTime: returns time as string in format hh:mm (Params: Date) ---------------------------------------------------------- populateSelectFromArray: fills an Selectfield with the given arrays Params: id of the select array: array filled plain text or objects. If objects, all attributes are taken attributeList: if only certain attributes of objects should be taken ---------------------------------------------------------- populateSelectFromCSV: fills an Selectfield with the CSV File from URL <select id="testSelect" csvFile= "/loom-portal/custom/test/Ressources/test.csv" csvCols="SpalteA;SpalteB" name="testSelect" class="form-control"></select> ########papaparse.min.js mandatory########## Params: - ---------------------------------------------------------- checkValidInput: checks if regex from field param matches. alerts message and clears field if not. Sets value on change example: <input type="text" name="name" id="id" regex="^d*$" message="only digits"/> checkValidInput( $(".fields") ) Params: filds */ gadget.functions.initFormularFunctions = function(){ var $ = (this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView!=null) ? this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView.jQuery : this.form.ownerDocument.parentWindow.jQuery; var scope = this; var helper = { /* Sets value, merges local and inserts value in smartformfield if there is one Params: id, value */ setValue: function(idGot, value){ if(typeof value == "undefined" || value == null) return false; value = value.toString(); var identifier = idGot.replace(/[/g,"[").replace(/\]/g,"\\]").replace(/\?/g,"\\?"); var field = $("#"+identifier); if($(field).find("option:selected").attr("default")){ scope.entity.setValue(idGot,""); }else{ scope.entity.setValue(idGot,value); } scope.entity.mergeLocal(true); if(field.length>0){ switch($(field).prop("tagName")){ case "INPUT": if($(field).attr("type")=="radio") $("input[name="+identifier+"][value="+value+"]").prop("checked",true); if($(field).attr("type")=="checkbox"){ if(value == "true") $(field).prop("checked",true); else $(field).prop("checked",false); } else $(field).val(value); break; case "SPAN": $(field).prop("innerHTML",value); break; case "TEXTAREA": $(field).val(value); break; case "SELECT": $(field).val(value); default: break; } } }, /* Returns blank if undefined Params: id */ getValue: function(idGot){ return ( typeof scope.entity.getValue(idGot) == "undefined") ? "" : scope.entity.getValue(idGot); }, /* Führt Ajaxcall aus und gibt Response an eine Callback weiter Params: Type, URL, dataType, contentType, callback */ ajaxCall: function(type, url, dataType, contentType, callback){ $.ajax({ type: type, url: url, dataType: dataType, contentType: contentType }).done(function(response){ if(typeof callback == "function") { callback.bind(this)(response) } else{ return response; } }.bind(this)).fail(function(){ if(typeof callback == "function") { callback.bind(this)(null) } else{ return null; } }.bind(this)); }, /* Prüft ob Zeichenkette vars in Wert var vorhanden ist. vars kann ein String oder ein Array aus mehreren Strings sein Params: variable1, variable(s)2 */ stringContains: function(va, vars){ var c=false; switch(typeof vars){ case "object": $(vars).each(function(i, v){ if(va.indexOf(v)>-1){ c=true; return false; } }); break; case "string": if(va.indexOf(vars)>-1){ c=true; } break; default: c = false; } return c; }, /* Fill dropdowns with all users or users from group. Exepts Classname of the dropdowns HTML: <select name="INSERT A NAME" id="INSERT AN ID" class="INSERT A CLASSNAME" group="INSERT A TIM GROUP"></select> Params: classname FOR PERFORMANCE REASONS ADD QUERIES TO SUPER/ADMIN Name: getUsersByGroup Query: SELECT i.ID_, i.NAME_, i.NAMEFIRST, i.NAMELAST, i.EMAIL, c.DEPARTMENT, c.COMPANYID, c.COMPANYNAME from loom_identity i, loom_identity m, loom_identity g, loom_systemconfiguration c where i.CLASS = 'USER' and i.ARCHIV_ '0' and i.USERPROFILE_ID_ = c.ID_ and i.CLIENT_ID_ = ${SYS.CURRENT_CLIENT} and g.CLASS = 'GROUP' and m.CLASS = 'MEMBERSHIP' and m.PARENT_ID_ = g.ID_ and m.USER_ID_ = i.ID_ and g.NAME_ = ? Name: getAllUsers Query: SELECT i.ID_, i.NAME_, CASE WHEN i.NAMEFIRST IS NULL THEN '' ELSE i.NAMEFIRST END NAMEFIRST, CASE WHEN i.NAMELAST IS NULL THEN '' ELSE i.NAMELAST END NAMELAST, i.EMAIL, c.DEPARTMENT, c.COMPANYID, c.COMPANYNAME FROM loom_identity i, loom_systemconfiguration c where i.CLASS = 'USER' and i.CLIENT_ID_ = ${SYS.CURRENT_CLIENT} and i.USERPROFILE_ID_ = c.ID_ and i.ARCHIV_ = '0' ORDER BY NAMELAST,NAMEFIRST desc */ selectUsersByGroup: function(classGot){ // Init all selects $('.'+classGot).each(function(i, select){ $(select).attr("loaded","false"); $(select).empty(); var val = helper.getValue( $(select).attr("id") + "RealName" ); if(val) { $(this).append($("<option>").prop({"innerHTML": val + " ("+helper.getValue( $(select).attr("id") + "Expression" ).replace("user(","").replace(")","") +")", "selected":true})); } else{ var $option = $("<option>").attr({"value":"Bitte auswählen...","Expression":"", "Email":"", "RealName":"","default":"default"}).prop({"innerHTML":"Bitte auswählen..."}); if(typeof getSingleTranslation == "function"){ if(typeof getSingleTranslation == "function"){ $option.text( getSingleTranslation(null, "select" ,"Bitte auswählen...") ); } } $(this).append( $option ); } }); /* On focus check if loaded and insert users from group Fills Select with all users if parameter group = "Wild Card" */ var allSelectUsers = null; $('.'+classGot).hover(function(){ //var val = $(this).children(":first").prop("innerHTML"); if($(this).attr("loaded") == "false"){ var selectedGroup = $.trim($(this).attr("group")); if(!helper.stringContains(selectedGroup,"Wild Card") || !helper.stringContains(selectedGroup, "ALLUSERS")){ var fillDropDown = function(selectedGroup){ webService.DbConnectionManager.getResultSetAsWsEntity("getUsersByGroup", selectedGroup, function(usersGot){ $(this).attr("loaded","true"); $(this).empty(); var $option = $("<option>").attr({"value":"Bitte auswählen...","Expression":"", "Email":"", "RealName":"","default":"default", "QNumber":""}).prop({"innerHTML":"Bitte auswählen..."}); if(typeof getSingleTranslation == "function"){ var translation = getSingleTranslation(null, "select" ,"Bitte auswählen..."); if(typeof translation != "undefined") $option.prop("innerHTML", translation); } $(this).append($option); for(var u=0;u<usersGot.length;u++){ var user = usersGot[u]; var selected = false; if(typeof helper.getValue($(this).attr("id")) != "undefined"){ if(helper.getValue($(this).attr("id")) == user.ID_) selected = true; } $(this).append($("<option>").attr({"value":user.ID_,"Expression":"user("+user.NAME_ + ")", "Email":user.EMAIL, "RealName":user.NAMELAST + " " + user.NAMEFIRST, "QNumber": user.NAME_}).prop({"innerHTML":user.NAMELAST + ", " + user.NAMEFIRST + "(" + user.NAME_ + ")", "selected":selected})); } helper.forceRedraw(this); }.bind(this)); } fillDropDown.bind(this)(selectedGroup); } else{ var fillAllUsersDropdown = function(usersGot){ $(this).attr("loaded","true"); $(this).empty(); var $option = $("<option>").attr({"value":"Bitte auswählen...","Expression":"", "Email":"", "RealName":"","default":"default", "QNumber":""}).prop({"innerHTML":"Bitte auswählen..."}); if(typeof getSingleTranslation == "function"){ var translation = getSingleTranslation(null, "select" ,"Bitte auswählen..."); if(typeof translation != "undefined") $option.prop("innerHTML", translation); } $(this).append( $option ); for(var u=0;u<usersGot.length;u++){ var user = usersGot[u]; var selected = false; if(typeof helper.getValue($(this).attr("id")) != "undefined"){ if(helper.getValue($(this).attr("id")) == user.ID_) selected = true; } $(this).append($("<option>").attr({"value":user.ID_,"Expression":"user("+user.NAME_ + ")", "Email":user.EMAIL, "RealName":user.NAMELAST + " " + user.NAMEFIRST, "QNumber": user.NAME_}).prop({"innerHTML":user.NAMELAST + ", " + user.NAMEFIRST + "(" + user.NAME_ + ")", "selected":selected})); } helper.forceRedraw(this); } webService.DbConnectionManager.getResultSetAsWsEntity("getAllUsers", "", function(usersGot){ usersGot.sort(function(a, b) { var nameA = null; var nameB = null; if (!a.LASTNAME) nameA = "ZZZ"; else nameA = a.LASTNAME.toUpperCase(); if(!b.LASTNAME) nameB = "ZZZ"; else nameB = b.LASTNAME.toUpperCase(); if (nameA <nameB) return -1; if (nameA> nameB) return 1; return 0; }); fillAllUsersDropdown.bind(this)(usersGot); }.bind(this)); } } }); /* On change create Variables for Expression, Email and RealName */ $('.'+classGot).change(function(){ var option = $(this).children()[$(this).prop("selectedIndex")]; helper.setValue($(this).attr("id"),$(this).val()); helper.setValue($(this).attr("id")+"Expression",$(option).attr("Expression")); helper.setValue($(this).attr("id")+"Email",$(option).attr("Email")); helper.setValue($(this).attr("id")+"RealName",$(option).attr("RealName")); helper.setValue($(this).attr("id")+"Group",$(this).attr("group")); helper.setValue($(this).attr("id")+"GroupExpression", "group(" + $(this).attr("group") + ")"); helper.setValue($(this).attr("id")+"QNumber", $(option).attr("qnumber")); }); }, forceRedraw: function(element){ if (!element) { return; } var n = document.createTextNode(' '); var disp =; // don't worry about previous display style element.appendChild(n); // = 'none'; setTimeout(function(){ = disp; if(n.parentNode != null) n.parentNode.removeChild(n); },20); // you can play with this timeout to make it as short as possible }, /* Returns Firstname, Lastname from user got. If undefined returns username. Param: User */ getUserName: function(userGot){ var name = ""; name += ( typeof userGot.namefirst != "undefined" ) ? userGot.namefirst + ", " : ""; name += ( typeof userGot.namelast != "undefined" ) ? userGot.namelast : ""; if(name == "") name =; return name; }, getUserNameReverse: function(userGot){ var name = ""; name += ( typeof userGot.namelast != "undefined" ) ? userGot.namelast + ", " : ""; name += ( typeof userGot.namefirst != "undefined" ) ? userGot.namefirst : ""; if(name == "") name =; return name; }, /* Returns department of userGot Param: user */ getUserDepartment: function(userGot){ if(typeof userGot.userProfile[0].department != "undefined") return userGot.userProfile[0].department; else return ""; }, /* Deletes all CBA and Bootstrap CSS from DOM*/ removeCBAStyles: function(){ var $cssFiles = $('.customCss,link[rel=stylesheet]'); var $parent = $cssFiles.parent();; $cssFiles.each(function(i, css){ var href = $(css).attr("href").toLowerCase(); if(href.indexOf("cba")>-1 || href.indexOf("bootstrap")>-1){ $parent.remove(css); } }); }, /* returns date as string in format dd.MM.yyyy Params: Date */ getDateString: function(dateGot){ var day = dateGot.getDate().toString(); day = (day.length == 1) ? "0"+day : day; var month = (parseInt( dateGot.getMonth() ) + 1).toString(); month = (month.length == 1) ? "0"+month : month; return day + "." + month + "." + dateGot.getFullYear(); }, /* returns time as string in format hh:mm Params: Date */ getTime: function(dateGot){ var h = dateGot.getHours().toString(); h = (h.length == 1) ? "0"+h : h; var m = dateGot.getMinutes().toString(); m = (m.length == 1) ? "0"+m : m; return h+":"+m; }, /* fills an Selectfield with the given arrays Params: id of the select array: array filled plain text or objects. If objects, all attributes are taken attributeList: if only certain attributes of objects should be taken */ populateSelectFromArray: function(idGot, array, attributeList){ $('#' + idGot).find('option').remove(); $('#' + idGot).append($("<option />").val("-").text("-")); var attributeListBool = (typeof attributeList == "undefined"); $.each(array, function(i,e){ switch(typeof e) { case 'object': //if it is an object, add all values var keys = Object.keys(e); var currentString = ""; var count = 0; $.each(keys, function(x, key){ if(count == 0){ if(!attributeListBool && $.inArray(key, attributeList) != -1){ currentString += e[key]; count++; } else if(attributeListBool){ currentString += e[key]; count++; } } else { if(!attributeListBool && $.inArray(key, attributeList) != -1){ currentString += " - " + e[key]; count++; } else if(attributeListBool){ currentString += " - " + e[key]; count++; } } }); if(currentString) $('#' + idGot).append($("<option />").val(currentString).text(currentString)); break; default: //if values are plain text $('#' + idGot).append($("<option />").val(e).text(e)); } }) if(typeof(scope.entity.getValue(idGot)) != 'undefined' && scope.entity.getValue(idGot)){ $("#" + idGot).val(scope.entity.getValue(idGot)); } else { scope.entity.setValue(idGot, "-"); scope.entity.mergeLocal(true); } }, /* fills an Selectfield with the CSV File from URL <select id="testSelect" csvFile= "/loom-portal/custom/test/Ressources/test.csv" csvCols="SpalteA;SpalteB" name="testSelect" class="form-control"></select> ###PAPAparse.min.js benötigt Params: - */ populateSelectFromCSV: function(){ csvConfig = { skipEmptyLines: true, header: true } $('[csvFile]').each(function(){ var currentField = this; $.get($(currentField).attr("csvFile")).then(function(csv){ var verwendung = Papa.parse(csv,csvConfig); var attributeList = (typeof $(currentField).attr("csvCols") != "undefined" ? $(currentField).attr("csvCols").split(";") : undefined); helper.populateSelectFromArray(,,attributeList); }) }); }, /* checks if regex matches on change params fields example: <input type="text" name="name" id="id" regex="^\d*$" message="only digits"/> */ checkValidInput: function(fields){ $(fields).unbind("change"); $(fields).change(function(){ var regex = new RegExp( $(this).attr("regex") ); var message = $(this).attr("message"); if(!regex.test($(this).val())){ alert(message); helper.setValue($(this).attr("id"), ""); } else helper.setValue($(this).attr("id"), $(this).val()); }); }, alert: function(titleGot, textGot, callback){ $("<div>").dialog({ dragable:false, modal: true, resizeable: false, show: {effect: "fadeIn"}, title: titleGot, maxwidth: 600, open: function(){ $(this).html(textGot); $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").css("display","none"); }, buttons: { Ok: function(){ $(this).dialog("close"); $(this).dialog("destroy"); if(typeof callback == "function") eval(callback()); } }, create:function () { $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-buttonset button").addClass("btn btn-primary"); } }); }, confirm: function(titleGot, textGot, btnOKText, btnCancelText, callback){ //bootbox.alert(textGot); $("<div>").dialog({ dragable:false, modal: true, resizeable: false, show: {effect: "fadeIn"}, title: titleGot, open: function(){ $(this).html(textGot); $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").css("display","none"); }, buttons: { Ok: function(){ $(this).dialog("close"); $(this).dialog("destroy"); if(typeof callback == "function") eval(callback(true)); }, Abbrechen: function(){ $(this).dialog("close"); $(this).dialog("destroy"); if(typeof callback == "function") eval(callback(false)); } }, create:function () { $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-buttonset button").first().addClass("btn btn-primary"); $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-buttonset button").first().next().addClass("btn btn-danger"); if(btnOKText) $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-buttonset button").first().html(btnOKText); if(btnCancelText) $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-buttonset button").first().next().html(btnCancelText); } }); } } return helper; }