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Checking the e-mail configuration settings (see client profile) can be initiated by clicking on “Email configuration test”.
The following fields must be filled in correctly in order to send a test mail. Otherwise, no e-mail can be sent (see client_profile):
If one of these fields is filled-in incorrectly, it may be that the mail server rejects the connection and the test mail cannot be sent.
TIM always sends the test mail to the email address of the user who performed the test!
The testmail's content and subject can be adjusted. Therefor the following values have to be put into the in the following syntax.
LANGUAGEABBREVIATION+ _testMailSubject for the subject
LANGUAGEABBREVIATION+ _testMailContent for the content
The language abbrevitaions can be found under language abbrevitaions. It is also possible to put the general link to the system as a blocker into the content. For that just put the keyword ${BaseLink} at the desired place. If no entries can be found in the data for the current language, then German or English are used.
From Version 3.4.7 the exact error appears in the Email test.
All older versions show the following windows:
In order to test processes and their mails, TIM provides a small SMTP-Server, which receives the mails and displays them immediately. More information can be found here.