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Table of Contents

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User profile - properties

Within the user profile of an user the first tab of the window gives access to general properties.


Field Description
Name Enter the user name of an user. The user name can be chosen freely. This is the actual name used for the login procedure.
Given name Enter the given name of the employee who is the user.
Surname Enter the surname of the employee who is the user.
E-mail Enter the e-mail address of the user to sent messages about, e.g., the assignment of new tasks.
Blocked This check box indicates if an user is being blocked at the moment. A blocked user is not able to login.
Last login This field indicates the last time an user logged in.
Number of logins The number of logins of an user to T!M is indicated here.
Client language The language an user has selected is indicated in this field.
Groups The membership in groups of an user is depicted here.
Roles The roles and rights of an user can be assigned via this field. Several entries can be simultaneously selected by holding down the Control key. For further information, please refer to Rights
Die Felder Name, Vorname, Nachname und Email sind zwingend erforderlich um eine uneingeschränkte Benutzung zu gewährleisten.
en/software/tim/user_profile_properties.1416479685.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:54 (external edit)