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Complete tasks by Email

Finish tasks by mail answer

There are two possibilities to finish tasks by mail. The first possibility is to set a setTask2DoneByMail Timer which can do the task by searching a mail box, and with a reply mail of the employee, it marks the task as completed. For this the employee must send an Email to the specified address with a specific content which is explained in the chapter of the timer.

Complete tasks by reply mail

With the SignalByMailReply Timer it is possible to complete tasks, by sending a reply mail to a specific mailbox. This Timer searchs the mailbox and signalles the process accordingly further.

It is also possible to complete tasks by using a link in a mail which makes it possible to complete a task without the login into a client.
In dieser Mail muss sich der folgende Link befinden :[0]=${processInstanceId}&args[1]=Aktivitaet&args[2]=ausgehend&uid=eWl0L3BtOnRhc2shbm1vdGlvbg

The following arguments mus be adapted:

  • args[0]: Process instance ID of the process. This parameter can be taken like this
  • args[1]: Name of the activity which has to be signalled (in the example “Activity”)
  • args[2]: Optional: Technically unambiguous idetification of the transition which exits form the signalled activity (in the example “outgoing”)
  • uid: Login data for T!M Base64 coded (mandant/user:password) (see

The employee can now use the link to forward the process.


en/software/tim/tasks_via_email.1418743919.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:55 (external edit)