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Links can be added when creating Tasks, to provide either a support or a requirement for a task. An example would be the task “create offer” with an added link to a pricelist in the intranet.

The links may contain variables which are filled at runtime. Thus parameterized links are possible.

So, a fast integration of external systems can be realized, e.g. via links to SAP Web Templates or a link to an archive system.

Technical implementation

Links will be added to the T!M-tasks in the modeling environment. Just click an Activity/Node and select “Tasks”. Now select “Links” at the relevant task.

For non-parameterized links to a file, insert the following code:

<link name="Backwaren Preiliste" class="com.dooris.bpm.entities.SimpleUrl"

Afterwards the specified URL and the name of the link must be replaced.

For non-parameterized links to a folder/network drive, insert the following code:

<link name="Backwaren-Ordner" class="com.dooris.bpm.entities.SimpleUrl"

Afterwards the specified URL and the name of the link must be replaced.

For non-parameterized links to a web page, insert the following code:

<link name="Homepage" class="com.dooris.bpm.entities.SimpleUrl" url=""/>

For parameterized links to web pages, insert the following code:

<link name="Archivsystem" class="com.dooris.bpm.links.ProcessVariableLink" parameter1="http://archivsystem/SearchformPage.aspx?execute=1&amp;values=#{artikelnr}"/>

Also the name of the variable must be replaced, like the name and the URL of the link. Any amount of variables are possible in a link. The variables must be existing process variables.

In compliance with the following sample, any number of links can be insert:

<link name="Link 1" .../>
<link name="Link 2" .../>
<link name="Link 3" .../>

Please note that the following characters must be replaced within the URLs by the relevant XML-Escapesequenz:

"   &quot;
'   &apos;
<   &lt;
>   &gt;
&   &amp;

For example, instead of

<link name="Suche" class="com.dooris.bpm.entities.SimpleUrl" url=">0"/>

the following correct spelling must be used:

<link name="Suche" class="com.dooris.bpm.entities.SimpleUrl" url=";amount=&gt;0"/>


To embed a link by using iGrafx, the following parameters must be specified:

  • To : A significant name can be given to the link here
  • URL : the internet/intranet as the target must be specified as destination here
  • Class : here are two different classes to choose from:

This class is used when there is a non-parameterized link

If process variables should be used within the link the class must be entered. The indication of the link is the same as in Signavio.

en/software/signavio/insert_links.1402765032.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:55 (external edit)