

Plugin installed incorrectly. Rename plugin directory 'swiftmail.backup' to 'swiftmail'.


New Features

  • TNR-2133 display possible mandators + clients for SSO refactored to servlet form
  • TNR-2194 Translation table for Mandarin
  • TNR-1900 Error E-Mail: Improvement of subject and email text
  • TNR-1995 MandatoryHandler works with „,“ and „;“
  • TNR-2148 Unhandled exceptions should not be shown on client side
  • TNR-2195 Implement docx4j PDF Generation
  • TNR-2175 VariableAssignmentActionHandler: new parameter for role
  • TNR-2184 Email icon in the list of notes + table popup GUI showing notifications
  • TNR-1877 WebService for all sent email notifications for a selected note
  • TNR-2186 webService to send notifications for a note
  • TNR-2008 CsvActionhandler → UTF-8 instead of UTF-8 without BOM
  • TNR-2160 Mandarin, romanian and hungarian added to the translation client
  • TNR-2158 Remove possibilty to add business roles
  • TNR-2153 Share documents between sub- and main process
  • TNR-2120 Add placeholder in wordtemplate helper to select all variables
  • TNR-2119 Generic entitymanager merge method handles labels
  • TNR-2113 Add ui button in mail queue to resend emails
  • TNR-2114 Add counter to mailqueue entry for number of resends
  • TNR-2112 Add webservice method to resend email by id


  • TNR-2169 Restore action in the process repository destroys closing Exclusive Gateways
  • TNR-2072 WordTemplate creates pdf files with wrong content
  • TNR-2085 Document can not be attached to DelayedMail
software/tim/changelog/tim44.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/07/01 09:52 (Externe Bearbeitung)