

Plugin installed incorrectly. Rename plugin directory 'swiftmail.backup' to 'swiftmail'.

Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!


New Features

  • [TNR-1103] - BPMN 2.0 deployment - all BPMN 2.0 processes can be deployed
  • [TNR-511] - Process Repository - for configuring processes as TIM workflows
  • [TNR-839] - CBA - configuration based application: The new form editor for Smartforms
  • [TNR-1283] - A new Sharepoint connector is available
  • [TNR-1338] - Dynamic additional tabs can be created for external web parts (for linking external systems)


  • [TNR-964] - Navigation in iGrafx process models was improved
  • [TNR-960] - The popup of mandatory fields shows all missing mandatory fields and not only one
  • [TNR-1146] - Reports can show the user name or the first and last name of the user
  • [TNR-1388] - English translations were improved
  • [TNR-235] - The show/hide function in the admin client was improved
  • [TNR-577] - The LDAP synchronisation now uses the email address of users for identification
  • [TNR-670] - HTML mails are also working with attachments
  • [TNR-702] - The rss feeds now support SSL
  • [TNR-796] - The last name and the first name of users are also shown in memberships (admin client)
  • [TNR-784] - The date format in the activity tab of instances was improved
  • [TNR-822] - The logging of the LDAP synchronisation was improved
  • [TNR-897] - Tasks in the ToDo clients are now sorted by due date
  • [TNR-926] - The deploy page now uses the user's LDAP password
  • [TNR-940] - The webservice „getSoftLinkedSubprocesses“ now also returns archived instances
  • [TNR-950] - The highlighting of required Smartform fields was improved for Firefox
  • [TNR-954] - The mails notifying users that an instance was archived are being sent only once for every user, even if he/she is assigned in more than one swimlane
  • [TNR-971] - The management of JavaScript functions in combination with section handling was improved
  • [TNR-1366] - The process instance popup can be opened on start by parameter (e.g. for use in emails)
  • [TNR-662] - If an exception occured during the deployment, the deploy page now shows the exception
  • [TNR-692] - Filters are now available in the process popup's task list
  • [TNR-788] - The Smartform can be viewed in the lower window of the 2G Process Manager Client
  • [TNR-886] - The XOR gateway names of the process model are displayed in the popup header (for human decisions)
  • [TNR-918] - The LDAP synchronisation now includes properties like cost center, department, etc.
  • [TNR-938] - The ToDo clients show the first task when opened
  • [TNR-939] - The popup of finished tasks shows who finished it and when
  • [TNR-957] - The logging of the VariableAssignmentActionHandler was improved
  • [TNR-969] - The first popup of the CheckMandatoryEfforts-ActionHandler was removed
  • [TNR-1004] - The column „due date“ is now sortable in the ToDo clients
  • [TNR-1050] - The column „remaining time“ is now sortable in the ToDo clients
  • [TNR-1034] - The signalByMailReply timer was improved
  • [TNR-1035] - The CAS SSO was improved
  • [TNR-1053] - The duration will be displayed as remaining time of tasks if it was not yet calculated by a timer
  • [TNR-1056] - The column „due date“ was added to the tabs „Tasks“, „My tasks“, „My finished tasks“
  • [TNR-1085] - Some columns were added to the activity tab in the instance popup and to the activity and task lists in the Process Manager clients
  • [TNR-1120] - More than one group is now possible as CC for mail nodes
  • [TNR-1129] - Deployed processes are saved in the „iotemp“ directory
  • [TNR-1130] - The Smartform print function was improved
  • [TNR-1211] - The FormMutator function now works with checkboxes
  • [TNR-1227] - The MailReminderHandler is now able to work with email addresses as parameters
  • [TNR-1259] - The login functionality was extended to support Safari browsers
  • [TNR-1302] - The jQuery and jQuery-UI versions were updated
  • [TNR-1333] - The new Handler VariableDecision replaces the SmartFormDecissionHandler
  • [TNR-914] - The mail addresses of LDAP groups are being synchronised with the TIM groups
  • [TNR-1204] - The uploading of documents can be mandatory through the new MandatoryDocumentHandler
  • [TNR-1371] - A new timer attaches files to specific TIM instances (AddFilesToProcessInstance)
  • [TNR-874] - A new Smartform function to get all groups into a selectbox (getAllGroups)
  • [TNR-1215] - The selectboxes using selectUsersByGroupByClass are now displaying following format: „Last name, first name (user name)
  • [TNR-895] - The task list is being refreshed after finishing a task in the ToDo clients
  • [TNR-903] - The BorderValueHandler was improved
  • [TNR-1202] - Pictures can be inserted into WordTemplates via wildcards
  • [TNR-1274] - French translations were improved


  • [TNR-1221] - Under specific circumstances the traffic lights did not switch to red
  • [TNR-1222] - Sometimes the buffer time was handed over to next activity even if this feature was deactivated
  • [TNR-963] - The Smartform was hidden after a refresh in the vertical ToDo client
  • [TNR-1239] - The documents tooltip/count was not correct if the Sharepoint connector was used
  • [TNR-571] - The LDAP synchronisation sometimes created two identical users
  • [TNR-920] - The Smartform was closed and the taks was unselected if a document or note was added in the vertical ToDo client
  • [TNR-1043] - Under specific circumstances, the GenerateOffsetEscalationTimeHandler calculated an incorrect reminder timer
  • [TNR-1068] - Nodes didn't get a real end if a Timer was running at the same time
  • [TNR-1092] - Some compatibility issues of the Process Monitoring Client with IE9 or higher were fixed
  • [TNR-1281] - The live view of iGrafx process models did not load sometimes
  • [TNR-1292] - Under specific circumstances the links in task mails did not load in IE8
  • [TNR-1312] - Sometimes the status bar did not turn red even if the remaining time was zero
software/tim/changelog/tim40.1401262281.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/07/01 09:56 (Externe Bearbeitung)