

Plugin installed incorrectly. Rename plugin directory 'swiftmail.backup' to 'swiftmail'.


New Features

  • [DASH-263] - Filtering for numbers, dates and booleans is possible
  • [DASH-299] - Filtering numbers for >, <, > = and < = are possible
  • [DASH-303] - Individual themes can be created
  • [DASH-308] - Linefeeds can be displayed within table cells
  • [DASH-311] - Select lists for filters can be defined
  • [DASH-314] - Table headers can be fixed
  • [DASH-317] - Users can define standard dashboards which are opened on every login
  • [DASH-318] - The column widths can be configured for every widget
  • [DASH-324] - Background colors can be defined for every cell
  • [DASH-296] - The current user and other properties are available for widget queries


  • [DASH-302] - Stability and performance were improved
  • [DASH-256] - Table headers are aligned to the top
  • [DASH-315] - Table contents are aligned to the top
  • [DASH-257] - The filter icon causes no new header line
  • [DASH-304] - The design of popups was harmonised
  • [DASH-275] - The session timeout can be configured
  • [DASH-288] - The session timeout is handled asynchronous
  • [DASH-286] - German and English translations were improved
  • [DASH-287] - A preview in the popup for picking colors was implemented
  • [DASH-289] - The link to the TIM home page in all charts was removed
  • [DASH-290] - The label „Virtual“ was removed
  • [DASH-312] - Resizing the browser also affects the height of widgets
  • [DASH-313] - The „Variables“ label is not shown if no variables are used
  • [DASH-321] - Widgets are dependent on the client
  • [DASH-281] - The current filter is shown in the icon's tooltip
  • [DASH-322] - The original widget name is shown if the widget name is overwritten


  • [DASH-285] - The SUM and AVG columns popup was not displayed correctly in IE8
  • [DASH-307] - Under specific circumstances filtering did not work
  • [DASH-316] - Sometimes the last viewed dashboard was not opened on the next login
software/dashboard/changelog/dashboard22.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/07/01 09:52 (Externe Bearbeitung)