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Field Description
Name The name of the client is entered in this field.


Field Description
Licence key Here, a licence key, which sets the maximum number of users and processes, can be entered. However, as this is normally done via licence data in the T!M Engine, it is often not needed and empty.
Max. Users In this field, you can determine the maximum number of users to be compiled in the corresponding client.
Max. Processes Here, the maximum number of processes to be deployed can be entered.

Task notification e-mails

T!M - Task !n Motion composes the Taskmails, which are sent to the employees, from these parameters. Also, the ${baseLink} is composed from these parameters.

Field Description
E-mail notification preference In order to activate the T!M e-mail notification, the Checkbox must be activated.
Application-Host Here, the host name of the server on which T!M was installed is displayed.
Application-Port Here, the port of the server on which T!M was installed is entered.
Parameter This field should only be adapted, if necessary, by a T!M employee.
Target tab of task mail links Here, you can state which tab should be opened when a user has clicked on the link in a task mail. This setting applies to all users who were newly compiled.


In this area the LDAP interface to T!M -Task !n Motion can be set up. You can get further information from dieser Seite.

Field Description
Authentication Here, you can specify an authentication interface. If this field is empty, the T!M- databank is used automatically. In order to establish a LDAP-Authentication, the parameter „ldap“ has to be entered.
LDAP-Host If an LDAP-interface is used, the host name (the IP-address) of the LDAP-server has to be entered here.
LDAP-Port If you want to use an LDAP-interface, the port of the LDAP-server has to be entered here (Standard is :389).
Factory Initial The parameter which has to be entered here is needed for the initialization of the LDAP-interface and must have the parameter (com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory).
Kind of Authentication The kind of encryption of data during the transmission of the LDAP-interface has to be entered. The field can contain the parameters “simple” or “digest-md5”.
DNS Prefix Here, a DNS Prefix for the network can be specified, if it is used in the network. In most cases this parameter can stay empty.
DNS Suffix If a DNS-server exists in the network, the DNS Suffix has to be entered here. The parameter, which has to be entered here, has to be inquired of the network's IT.
Test the LDAP connection (Button) Via a click on this button the accuracy of the LDAP-connectivity can be checked. You can get further information from dieser Seite.


Field Description
Smtp Return address The e-mail address, which is displayed as sender on the T!M- notification mails, is entered in this input field.
SmtpHost Here, the IP or host name of the mailserver used has to be entered.
SmtpPort Here, the port which the mailserver follows is entered (standard port :25).
Start TLS Activates the TLS encryption to the mailserver if desired or necessary.
Absence message to Returned absence messages can be forwarded to a certain mail box (which was entered here).
Smtp erfordert Auth. Activates the authentication to the mailserver if necessary.
SmtpUser Here, the user who has the right to send e-mails via the mailserver, is entered.
SmtpPassword Specifies the password of the according Smtp user.
Test e-mail configuration (button) Via a click on this button the dispatch of T!M- notification e-mails can be simulated in order to teest their functionality. You can get further information from email_testing


Feld Beschreibung
Support Emailadresse Ändert die Anzeige der Support-Emailadresse im Infobereich aller Clients.
Theme In diesem Feld wird das zu verwendende Theme angegeben. Dies ist der Name des Custom-Ordners.
Portal-Überschrift Der hier eingegebene Text wird in jedem T!M-Client des zugehörigen Mandanten sichtbar. (Siehe folgendes Bild)

Hersteller nicht benötigt
Delegation erlaubt für Hier kann bestimmt werden, für welche Context-Rolle Delegationen (Übergabe von Aufgaben an Dritte) erlaubt sind. Wird hier “Sachbearbeiter” hinterlegt, können Nutzer mit dem Recht “Member” Aufgaben an Mitarbeiter Ihrer Gruppe delegieren.
Notizen Ablage fixieren Sollte hier z.B. Prozessinstanz als Wert ausgewählt werden, werden alle Notizen an die Prozessinstanz angehängt und nicht mehr an Aufgaben. Wird als Wert “Aufgabe” gewählt, aber eine Notiz an eine Prozessinstanz angehängt, so wird die Notiz trotzdem an die Instanz angehängt, da T!M - Task !n Motion nicht weiss an welche Aufgabe der Instanz die Notiz angefügt werden soll.
Gruppenaufgaben nicht in “Meine Aufgaben” Liste Aufgaben Tab zeigt entweder meine Aufgaben und Aufgaben meiner Gruppe oder nur meine Aufgaben an.


Feld Beschreibung
Max. Dateigröße Hier kann die max. Größe der im T!M-Client hochzuladenden Datei bestimmt werden.
en/software/tim/client_profile.1403691726.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:55 (external edit)