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en:glossar [2014/12/08 15:32]
en:glossar [2021/07/01 09:52] (current)
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 ===== Process definition ===== ===== Process definition =====
-A process definition is the predetermined procedure belonging to a process. The process definition provides the framework for all following [[en:​glossar#​Prozessinstanz|process instances]] ​which are getting ​initiated. The process definition entails any relevant piece of information which is required to execute the process in T!M. This point subsumes ​also [[en:​glossar#​Smartforms]],​ [[en:​software:​tim:​ActionHandlers]], assignments and the diagram of the process itself.+A process definition is the predetermined procedure belonging to a process. The process definition provides the framework for all following [[en:​glossar#​Prozessinstanz|process instances]] ​that are initiated. The process definition entails any relevant piece of information which is required to execute the process in TIM. This point also subsumes ​[[en:​glossar#​Smartforms]],​ [[en:​software:​tim:​ActionHandler]]s, assignments and the diagram of the process itself.
 ---- ----
 ===== Process instance ===== ===== Process instance =====
-A process instance is a single run determined by a [[en:​glossar#​process definition]]. ​Every run can be enriched by additional information. This information may be provided regularly by a [[en:​glossar#​Smartform]] and included in the process run.+A process instance is a single run determined by a [[en:​glossar#​process definition]]. ​Additional information ​can be added to every run. This information may be provided regularly by a [[en:​glossar#​Smartform]] and then included in the process run.
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 ===== Smartform ===== ===== Smartform =====
-Smartforms are formulars ​which can be generated by setting up a [[en:​glossar#​process definition]]. These formulars ​may merely ​be used either as containers for data or be used for process-related ​decisions, for example, if the SmartformDecisionHandler has been used during the modeling stage. ​+Smartforms are forms which can be generated by setting up a [[en:​glossar#​process definition]]. These forms may be used either as containers for data or be used for process-related ​decision making, for example, if the SmartformDecisionHandler has been used during the modeling stage. ​
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 ===== Process variable ===== ===== Process variable =====
-A process variable is being implemented during the course of a process (or, alternatively,​ a [[en:​glossar#​prozessinstanz|process instance]]) and accompanies ​the process from beginning to the end. A process variable can be changed as often as desired. A process variable can be created and changed by using a [[en:​software:​tim:​Smartform]] or [[en:​software:​tim:​Actionhandler]]. Process variables can be used to determine ​the course of processes or to compile several pages of information. Please refer to [[en:​software:​tim:​process_variables| this page]] for further information. ​+A process variable is actively ​implemented during the course of a process (or, alternatively,​ a [[en:​glossar#​prozessinstanz|process instance]]) and attends to the process from the beginning to the end. A process variable can be changed as often as desired. A process variable can be created and changed by using a [[en:​software:​tim:​Smartform]] or an [[en:​software:​tim:​ActionHandler]]. Process variables can be used to manage ​the course of processes or to compile several pages of information. Please refer to [[en:​software:​tim:​process_variables| this page]] for further information. ​
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 =====  BusinessCalendar ===== =====  BusinessCalendar =====
-The BusinessCalender calculates the time based on working hours and public holidays. The calendar can be adapted to any client. Please refer to [[en:​software:​tim:​calendar_profile|this page]] ​to get access to a very good introduction ​about this functionality.+The BusinessCalender calculates the time based on working hours and public holidays. The calendar can be adapted to any client. Please refer to [[en:​software:​tim:​calendar_profile|this page]] ​for a very good introduction ​to this functionality.
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 ===== Node / activity ===== ===== Node / activity =====
-A node is a compilation of tasks. Often, a node will be called an activity in T!M - Task !n Motion ​which then only entails one task. A node should always be located within a [[en:​glossar#​swimlane|Swimlane]] to be allotted ​to an [[en:​glossar#​assignee|Assignee]].+A node is a compilation of tasks. Often, a node will be called an activity in TIM, which then only entails one task. A node should always be located within a [[en:​glossar#​swimlane|Swimlane]] ​in order to be assigned ​to an [[en:​glossar#​assignee|Assignee]].
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 ===== Script node ===== ===== Script node =====
-Script nodes do not require any further manipulation by the user. If there is no [[en:​software:​tim:​ActionHandler]] allotted to the Scrip node then the element will be skipped without ​provoking ​any action. Normally, script nodes will be employed to execute an [[en:​software:​tim:​ActionHandler]] and to provide a clearly arranged overview of the process.+Script nodes do not require any further manipulation by the user. If there is no [[en:​software:​tim:​ActionHandler]] allotted to the script ​node then the element will be skipped without ​initiating ​any action. Normally, script nodes will be employed to execute an [[en:​software:​tim:​ActionHandler]] and to provide a clearly arranged overview of the process.
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 ===== Tasks ===== ===== Tasks =====
-Tasks have to be processed by [[en:​glossar#​assignee_bearbeiter|executive ​officers]] within the company and marked as finished before the course ​of the process may continue+Tasks have to be processed by [[en:​glossar#​assignee_bearbeiter|executive ​managers]] within the company and marked as finished before the next step of the process may begin
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 ===== Swimlane ===== ===== Swimlane =====
-A (Swim)lane represents a group of users or individual users. A Swimlane contains almost always at least one [[en:​glossar#​node_aktivitaet|node]]. Its role lies in the proper assignment of a [[en:​glossar#​tasks_aufgabe|task]] to [[en:​glossar#​assignee_bearbeiter|assignee / executive ​officer]]. \\ +A (Swim)lane represents a group of users or individual users. A Swimlane contains almost always at least one [[en:​glossar#​node_aktivitaet|node]]. Its role lies in the proper assignment of a [[en:​glossar#​tasks_aufgabe|task]] to an [[en:​glossar#​assignee_bearbeiter|assignee / executive ​manager]]. \\ 
-If an user has finished a task within a [[en:​glossar#​Swimlane|Swimlane]] he will receive every following task in the same Swimlane. ​+If an user has finished a task within a [[en:​glossar#​Swimlane|Swimlane]] he will receive every following task in this specific ​Swimlane. ​
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-===== Assignee / executive ​officer ​===== +===== Assignee / executive ​manager ​===== 
-Assignees or the executive ​officers ​are people to whom [[en:​glossar#​tasks_aufgabe|tasks]] have been assigned ​to+Assignees or executive ​managers ​are people to whom [[en:​glossar#​tasks_aufgabe|tasks]] have been assigned. ​
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 ===== CBA (Configuration Based Application) =====  ===== CBA (Configuration Based Application) ===== 
en/glossar.1418049142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:56 (external edit)