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What is the purpose of an e-mail Dumbster?

Dumbster is a Java-based program which is able to receive e-mails and which can display these in a panel. The concept behind Dumbster is to have the possibility of testing processes and the dispatch of related e-mails without having to send feigned productive e-mails to participants of a process.


Please use the following command to execute the shell script “” in Linux:


The following window will then open which confirms the correct start of Dumbster:

Configurating the client profile

For Dumbster to be able to receive e-mails, T!M - Task !n Motion has to be informed that it will send e-mails to a specially set up SMTP server and not to a productive e-mail server. For this to be successfully done the corresponding parameters have to be set up in the client profile (please refer to the section on the [en:software:tim:administration_client|Administrator Client]] for further information!).

Dumbster does not require an authentication but, nevertheless, it is capable of processing such a requested condition!

SMTP host

Normally, Dumbster will be executed on the same server on which T!M is running. Under this condition it is already sufficient to add the following value as a SMTPhost:


I you want to use Dumbster on an external computer you either have ot enter the correct host name or the IP address of the device.

If you don't know the IP address or the host name of the computer, please contact the IT department of your company!.

SMTP port

The scripts will by default setting be started on port 25. To enter this figure you have to open the client_profile and then the item SMTPhost. The correct port assigned to Dumbster will be displayed on the panel (which in this case would be port 25)

 ! Attention firewall 

In most companies almost all computers and servers are protected by a firewall against unauthorized access. In such a case please contact your IT department to inquire further details regarding the next steps of configuration. This will not be necessary if Dumbster and T!M - Task ! Motion are running on the same server and the entry SMTPhost local host is set.

Testing of Dumbster

To ensure the correct reception of e-mails it is possible to test the sending of an e-mail to Dumbster by clicking on the option for testing an e-mail configuration:

Renderig the readout of Dumbster as one single file

If the readout of Dumbster should be merged into one single file (e.g., several users need to have access to the complete Dumbster readout) then the file dumbster.bat has to be adapted accordingly. To edit this Dumbster file open it with a text processing program. The desired directory of the file has to be chosen in which the readout is supposed to be saved.

cmd.exe /K "java -jar dumbster.jar 25" > C:\User\John.Doe\dumbster.log
en/support/dumbster.1417537483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:54 (external edit)