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PDF Buttons

It is possible to implement a button in th smartform, which can convert WOrdtemplates into PDFs via a click on the button. For that the following code has to be put into the smartform and has to be adjusted.

<button type="button" onbuttonclick="generateFileFromTemplate([{handler:'WordTemplateHandler',template:'super/templates/${NOW}.docx',documentPrefix:'Test_Prefix',pdf:true,attach:false,open:true}])">PDF Button</button>

The attribute “onbuttonclick” defines what functions the handler should execute.

  • handler: Here the WordTemplateHandler is sepcified.
  • template: Here the path to the WordTemplateHandler is specified.
  • documentPrefix: Here the prefix, which should be put before the document, can be defined.
  • pdf : If true is put here, the WordTemplate will be put out in the form of a PDF. (true or false)
  • attach :Here it can be specified, whether the PDF should be attached to the processinstance or not (true or false)
  • open :Here it can be specified, whether the PDf should be opened in the brwoser or not.
en/software/tim/smartform/pdf_button.1506608382.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:54 (external edit)