
New Features

yes [TNR-3248] - Show creator, creation time and docSize in virtual folder
The virtual folder in adminstration client now shows creation user, creation time and the size of uploaded files.

yes [TNR-3843] - MandatoryDocumentsHandler should check if documents were added within the current node
MandatoryDocumentHandler can now check if the document was attached on the node on which the handler is running. If required document was not attached on the current node the handler will throw an error.

yes [TNR-4025] - Limit number of lines when converting Excel documents with aspose
While converting from xls(x) to pdf the server may get out of memory because of too many lines in one file. In order to prevent this behavior the limit of excel rows was limited to 50000 lines per page.

yes [TNR-4489] - form process start servlet should support json POST data
json POST can now be send to our endpoint /loom-portal/StartProcessInstance.form in order to start instances from external sources.