

yes [TNR-4288] - Enhance WordTemplateHandler Performance on Template Lookup
WordTemplateHandler will now first check VirtualFolder for templates and will fall back to the filesystem. Please make sure that your custom folder is stored in virtual folder. Filesystem will be deprecaded in future.
yes [TNR-4480] - disable saml sso in default packaging of tim (application.xml)
SAML can now be configured outside of tim.ear in the running standalone xml file.
yes [TNR-4169] - Show helptext on hover over search field
A helptext is displayed if users hovers over search in right upper corner.
yes [TNR-4170] - Enable search-wildcard as default param in
Wildcard is set per default to * in order that users do not always perform a wildcard search. User can now search for e.g. T*M.
yes [TNR-4168] - Disable Autorefresh in Searchresult-Tab for all clients
Searchresult is now not refreshed any more automatically.


yes [TNR-3970] - time calculation leads to database locks / dead locks
yes [TNR-4518] - findProcessInstanceByID is called by every task in tasklist
yes [TNR-4519] - SAML Login shows only white screen
yes [TNR-4539] - Section Mapping for finished tasks shows default mapping instead of task-mapping
yes [TNR-4590] - Interrupting boundary event (escalation) triggers node-leave events