

yes [TNR-5025] - A new timer archiveExpiredProcessInstances was added
The new timer archives all instances of a given process definition after a given time and sets a specified process variable
The timer works in combination with the existing timer deleteExpiredProcessInstances and all instances that were archived with the new archiveExpiredProcessInstances timer will be deleted instantly
Sub-processes will be detected automatically and archived accordingly

yes [TNR-5134] - 'search-for-processvariables' property added which can be set to true/false.
This property will enable/disable slotsearch for process variables and is enabled on default (known behavior). The new property does not affect detailed smartform search.

yes [TNR-5195] - A new Migration page reachable on 'loom-portal/migrate.htm' can be used to migrate from older versions
Resources, Timerusers and context roles from older versions to v5.10+ can migrated on this page. Only super users are able to access this page

yes [TNR-4870] - The recipient address in the mail queue can be changed
Unsent mails can now be changed in mailqueue. If the mail is already sent a new queued mail is generated on which the recipient can be changed.

yes [TNR-5038] - groups participating role gets deleted when the user grabs task
If a user of a group grabs a task, all other group members are removed from participating context role and cannot open the task anymore.

yes [TNR-4810] - actionhandler to create viewer contextroles via variable or direct notation
A new Actionhandler was implemented which can create a contextrole which allows a user to view the instance.

yes [TNR-4837] - Oportunity to create/ quick access multiple filters for each tab
Filters can now be stored and recovered by users for easier changing pre defined filters.


yes [TNR-5106] - StartSoftlinksFromProcessVariablesHandler is now able to start softlinks in child transactions to handle large numbers of started instances
yes [TNR-5200] - IDGenerationActionHandler is now compatible to JBoss 7.2 (and 7.1)
yes [TNR-5131] - ExtendedIDGenerator generates an ID and saves it to a variable and is independent of the process definition
yes [TNR-5108] - Functionality of interactions in resources tab was extended substantially
yes [TNR-5081] - Auto-Unzip was disabled and it is now possible to unzip resources manually.
yes [TNR-5219] - It's now possible to add additional fields to requests of HTTPRestHandler
yes [TNR-4960] - The export format of tables was changed from XLS to XLSX to support more rows in the output file and columns of XLSX exports can now be filtered by default
yes [TNR-4773] - Queries in Administation client now also allow insert and update operations instead of being limited to select
yes [TNR-5133] - Process model highlighting adjusted and supports more modellers
yes [TNR-5274] - wildcards for selecting processDefinitions can be used in deleteExpiredProcessInstances. Two new to specify minimum holding time of instances of timers archiveExpiredProcessInstances and deleteExpiredProcessInstances.
yes [TNR-5130] - Actionhandlers that contain blanks as pre- or suffix are now trimmed on process deployment
yes [TNR-5212] - Users that only have the role resource-manager can login to Administration client without a required administrator role
yes [TNR-5189] - Performance of migration Webservices in ContextRoleManager improved
yes [TNR-5187] - Owners now can save Smartforms without having to be in a corresponding group
yes [TNR-5014][TNR-5066] - LDAP Sync logging improved and now works for groups with more than 1500 users


yes [TNR-4987] - Process models in Internet Explorer are now displayed correctly and support zoom functionality. Process models that were deployed prior to this realease need to be re-deployed for this extension.
yes [TNR-5150] - ReturnRegexHandler sets indices of process variables correctly again
yes [TNR-5141] - Default mail texts can be set again per activity and processdefinition
yes [TNR-5243] - ‘search-wildcard’ The char '%' doesn't work as a wildcard anymore, when changing the search-wildcard property in
yes [TNR-5239] - Autocomplete for adding recipients to blog articles fixed
yes [TNR-5233] - The timer deleteExpiredProcessInstances now deletes sub-processes as intended
yes [TNR-5206] - HttpRestHandler now correctly supports sending JSON via PUT
yes [TNR-5205] - SOAP Endpoint supports UID parameters again
yes [TNR-5199] - Resources can be removed again when using JBoss EAP 7.2.2
yes [TNR-5197] - ProcessVariableManagerImpl.merge can be called by all participants of the affected process instance and is not limited to process-owner anymore
yes [TNR-5139] - Users that belong to a large number of groups (~1000) are able to load task- and instances lists
yes [TNR-5021] - Reassignments to representatives due to absences are now correctly shown in instance reports and assignment history
yes [TNR-5132] - Tasks aren’t shown in tasklist anymore, if process end is caused within parallel gateway
yes [TNR-4381] - Selecting a process definition will not create a tmpFolder on selection anymore (only when process instance popup is opened)
yes [TNR-4145] - Hovering an activity in Business Activity Monitoring client does not cause an empty page anymore and shows the desired information
yes [TNR-2955] - Choosing a process in the absences popup is now translated correctly
yes [TNR-5201] - Custom GET parameters don’t get removed anymore, when Login is required
yes [TNR-5240] - Owner and Starter expression limited to varchar(255) to avoid exceeding columns in some databases
yes [TNR-5261] - CreateProcessInstanceFromFolderByXML now interprets the content of all xml files correctly
yes [TNR-5263] - ldap account is not locked anymore after TSS Smartform is opened
yes [TNR-5210] - if usernames only have digits as username they are now correctly shown in useradministration tree
yes [TNR-5050] - Autocomplete in filters does not work for columns with Integer values

Deprecated Features

yes [TNR-5248] - removed deprecated VoidGenericOutputServlet (.void)

Known Issues

yes [TNR-5255] - Running TIM on case sensitive databases is not possible