Table of Contents

Complete tasks by Email

Finish tasks by mail reply

There are two possibilities to finish tasks by mail. The first possibility is to set a setTask2DoneByMail Timer, which can do the task by searching a mail box, and marking an employee's task as completed by mail. For this the employee must send an e-mail to the denoted address with a specific content, which is explained in the chapter about timers.

Complete tasks by reply mail

With the SignalByMailReply Timer tasks may be completed by sending a reply mail to a specific mailbox. This timer searches the mailbox and signals the process further according to the result.

It is also possible to complete tasks by using a link in a mail; this enables the user to complete a task without logging into a client.
The following link must be found in the mail :[0]=${processInstanceId}&args[1]=Aktivitaet&args[2]=ausgehend&uid=eWl0L3BtOnRhc2shbm1vdGlvbg

The following arguments must be adapted:

The employee can now use the link to forward the process.
