Table of Contents

Pick out TIM groups and presenting in selectbox

To create a selectbox with **all** groups in the TIM client, we need the following code:
<select name="REPLACE_ME" id="REPLACE_ME" initMethod="getAllGroups"></select>
To exclude individual groups in the selectbox, we need the following code:
<select name="REPLACE_ME" id="REPLACE_ME" initMethod="getAllGroups" class="(exclude),Gruppe_eins,Gruppe_zwei,Gruppe_drei"></select>

The groups which should be excluded are to be given in the class name seperated with commas. In front of the groups we need the keyword (exclude)!

To present single groups, we need the following code:
<select name="REPLACE_ME" id="REPLACE_ME" initMethod="getAllGroups" class="(include),Gruppe_eins,Gruppe_zwei,Gruppe_drei"></select>

The groups which should be excluded are to be given in the class name seperated with commas. In front of the groups we need the keyword (include)!

After selecting one group various process variables are created in the background: