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Assigning Users via a button in the smartform

Um eine bestimmte Gruppe einer Swimlane per Button zu zuweisen benötigt man folgenden Code:
<button type="button" id="REPLACE_ME" name="REPLACE_ME" initMethod="assignGroupByButton" class="group(GROUP),swimlane(SWIMLANE)">AssginmentButton</button>

By clicking the button the group given in the class is assigned to the swimlane given in the class. During the assignment duration the button is disabled and is labeled with “Please wait…”. If thee assignment is finished, the button is unlocked again and labeld with the original text.

It is possible to overwrite the “Please wait…” label. Therefor the wanted message has to be given to the button.

<button type="button" id="REPLACE_ME" name="REPLACE_ME" initMethod="assignGroupByButton" class="group(GROUP),swimlane(SWIMLANE),message(MESSAGE)">AssginmentButton</button>

Of course additional classes can be given as usual. Here an example:

<button type="button" id="REPLACE_ME" name="REPLACE_ME" initMethod="assignGroupByButton" class="group(GROUP,swimlane(SWIMLANE),message(SWIMLANE) ADDITIONAL_CLASSES">AssginmentButton</button>
The order in which group, swimlane and message are given can be any!