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Roundcube - a viable alternative to Mail Dumbster

One disadvantage of Mail Dumbster is its rendering of e-mails, which does not emulate a proper e-mail client. For instance, formatting and attachments of the original e-mail will not be included in Dumbster. To supplement to, outgoing TIM e-mails with the same formatting as will be seen by the recipients can be viewed via the Roundcube Client.

Configurating Roundcube

Please enter as Smpt host in the client profile. Please contact TIM Support to receive further details related to the setup of an user account as well as a password for using Smtp.

Login to Roundcube

The following window for login will be displayed after entering into the navigation bar of a browser:

The data for the login procedure are identical to those saved in the client profile.

The client

All e-mails which had been sent by the system are listed here. This procedure ensures that these e-mails are actually forwarded to the client instead directly to an individual addressee.

< 100% 200px>
Element Description
1 This entry shows all received e-mails
2 An e-mail will be displayed in this area if it has been selected in Element 1.

By double clicking on an item in this list a selected e-mail will be enlarged. At the same time the list will then disappear:

< 100% 200px>
Element Description
1 The subject of the selected e-mail will be shown in this field (in this example the noun “subject” is used as the actual subject of the e-mail!)
2 The sender of an e-mail is identified here.
3 The actual addressee is identified in this field. At this stage the addressee will not yet receive the e-mail!
4 The date of delivery is indicated by this entry.
5 The complete text of the e-mail is displayed in this field.
6 If some files had been attached to the e-mail, then these will be shown in this area. These attached files are also available for downloading.