Table of Contents

Purpose of the component

Often a decision in TIM is made by many different departments or users. If one of them declines, it does not matter how the others decide and it is declined.

Which actitvities and gateways do I need in a process?

Activities and gateways that ar needed for implementation:

Which actionhandlers do I need?

Actionhandler that are needed for implementation:


We need the option to release or decline for all 3 reviewer in the smartform.

Reviewer 1 <input type="radio" name="reviewer_one" id="reviewer_one_yes" value="yes"/> Yes <input type="radio" name="reviewer_one" id="reviewer_one_no" value="no"/> No

Reviewer 2 <input type="radio" name="reviewer_two" id="reviewer_two_yes" value="yes"/> Yes <input type="radio" name="reviewer_two" id="reviewer_two_no" value="no"/> No

Reviewer 3 <input type="radio" name="reviewer_three" id="reviewer_three_yes" value="yes"/> Ja <input type="radio" name="reviewer_three" id="reviewer_three_no" value="no"/> No



On the XOR gateway a VariableDecisionHandler is to be set, which accesses the releasevarible in the smartform.