Table of Contents



If in a process a AND gateway is opened and ther is a End-State before the closing AND gateway, the process will not finish.
For a End-State to be able to finish the process before all activities are finished, the processdefinition.xml in the exported processdefinition (for Signavio) has to be adjusted. — Jedes End-State in einem AND (nach öffnendem AND-Gateway und vor dem Schließenden) muss von z.B. Every End-State in an AND (after a opening AND gateway and a closing) has to be changed from e.g.

<end-state name="Ende - Not OK L1" SignavioShapeId="sid-71FA2E48-BADA-4317-877F-CBCEF0134386" />


<end-state name="Ende - Not OK L1" SignavioShapeId="sid-71FA2E48-BADA-4317-877F-CBCEF0134386" end-complete-process="true" />



makes the process finish if it reaches this end, even fi there are still open activities.
The first “end” would only finish the process if all activities are finished.


A TIM attribute can be set in iGrafx:

If this tick is set, this end-state finished the whole process.