displayName: contains the full name and username (e.g. Max Mustermann (M.Muster))
lastLogin: contains the tim at which the user last logged in
identityType: type of identity/user can have the following values 'USER','GROUP','MEMBERSHIP','ROLE' or 'CLIENT'
email: e-mail adress of the user or group
firstname: user's first name
lastname: user's last name
parentUserId: contains the primary key which points to the group that belongs to this membership
userID : contains the primary key which points to the user that belongs to this membership (only affects identityType 'MEMBERSHIP')
userProfileId: Enthält den Primärschlüssel, der das Benutzerprofils beinhaltet contains the primary key which points to the userprofile
isBlocked: states if this user/group/client is blocked or not
isArchiv: states if this user/group/client is archived or not