==== New Features ==== *[TNR-1904] - Same email address can be used in different clients *[TNR-1214] - Emails with errors in it (e.g. wrong email address) can now be sent to a group *[TNR-1412] - Nodes are marked as finished in the Live View Processmodel (when deployed from Signavio Process Editor) *[TNR-1260] - New column in "Note" tab, which shows where it was attached *[TNR-1906] - Default admin group for new clients *[TNR-1912] - Open CBA forms as startforms without manual authorization *[TNR-1913] - Fallback to "super" PDs if not present in current client *[TNR-1983] - AssignMultiUserHandler - Dynamic Group Creation ------ ==== Improvements ==== *[TNR-1643] - Processinstance description should be available in the Todo client *[TNR-1570] - MergePDFDocumentsHandler - PDFs with inputfields are missing *[TNR-1768] - Memory leak on searchmanager caused by hibernate *[TNR-1708] - CPM calculates even with multiple ends *[TNR-1780] - Implemented OEM *[TNR-1928] - Testmail can now be customized *[TNR-1811] - Cleanup unused htm Files *[TNR-1539] - MergePDFDocumentsHandler - Move newest document on position 1 *[TNR-1651] - Super theme and script as default script and style *[TNR-1664] - Correct ExecutionContext when opening Smartforms via process popups *[TNR-1665] - New Transactions for nodemanager methods *[TNR-1666] - Copy oemName, clientSlogan, theme from super mandant *[TNR-1676] - BPMN deployment interprets subprocess extensionelement from iGrafx *[TNR-1729] - Remove uid= call from instance count per node and reports *[TNR-1789] - Contextroles can now be added without search *[TNR-1849] - "All" Expression isn't used *[TNR-1901] - Use ISO 639 and ISO 3166 alpha-2 for Locale storage (de-DE) *[TNR-1905] - Refactor static roles deployer, publisher, processdesigner *[TNR-1907] - Creation user of clients must be admin user of super client *[TNR-1908] - Takeover manufacturer from super client when client is created *[TNR-1911] - Identity manager getSuperClient reactivated *[TNR-1921] - StartToProcessVariableActionHandler is renamed to Starter... *[TNR-1933] - SUPER client runs time calc timers in all mandators *[TNR-1972] - SetStarterByProcessVariableHandler - now finds user even with Mailadress *[TNR-1976] - MergePDFDocumentHandler is renamed to MergePDFDocumentsHandler *[TNR-1985] - Assignment log must base on static user and group information *[TNR-2006] - Display client ID in client profile popup ------ ==== Bugfixes ==== *[TNR-1750] - InstanceArchivationHandler does not archive in same transaction *[TNR-1879] - Smartform in ToDo requires Owner *[TNR-580] - LazyInitializationException during entity marshalling *[TNR-953] - Notes can only be archived by processmanager users *[TNR-985] - Smartform closes after canceling of confirm *[TNR-1165] - tim.properties is missing difference between user and groups *[TNR-1601] - SectionHandling does not work in IE11 *[TNR-1624] - Restored PD's get same ID *[TNR-1629] - PRC does not use Theme *[TNR-1632] - Published processes are not marked *[TNR-1668] - Lazy Exception on ProcessInstance call *[TNR-1678] - BPMN mapping of parallel gateways *[TNR-1694] - Lazy Exceptions in Repo when using Mainprocesses *[TNR-1706] - CAS Login does not work any more *[TNR-1716] - CBA Files are loaded even if not enabled *[TNR-1717] - Durations missing on iGrafx BPMN deployment *[TNR-1760] - Entity is not loaded again after selecting *[TNR-1761] - multiAccess does not release Smartform *[TNR-1775] - Link for Search is not whole row *[TNR-1779] - selectUsersByGroupByClass removes selection on hover *[TNR-1802] - ContextroleID must not be NULL *[TNR-1874] - Escalation Boundarye Event Issues *[TNR-1880] - MandatoryHandler shows ID instead of label *[TNR-1897] - Searchresult does not show whole Entity in Todo Client *[TNR-1920] - OEM - Support email address removed *[TNR-1934] - Prevent IE compatibility mode in cba.htm *[TNR-1935] - Users can start without starter Role *[TNR-1937] - Login with IE Updates causes white screen after login *[TNR-1950] - Smartform document is created even if its empty (BPMN) *[TNR-1954] - Groups in Userprofile are not refreshed *[TNR-1962] - Quickstart PDF can now be customized *[TNR-1964] - remove tim style out of landing.htm *[TNR-1967] - Show Username even if firstname and lastname are empty *[TNR-1973] - Autorefresh for GUI.Form disabled - only tables are refreshed *[TNR-1980] - Translate Deploy.htm to english *[TNR-1982] - Subprocess and Variablehandling does not work on BPMN-Deployment *[TNR-1984] - preparePrint generates preview without values *[TNR-1988] - Systemusers mustn't be authentificated via LDAP *[TNR-1991] - Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' (MSSQL) *[TNR-2000] - Systemvariables do not work with WordtemplateHandler *[TNR-2002] - Pass current client (comp_recid) to cba also for system users connection *[TNR-2004] - Language should be active in language box even if it has only 2 digits *[TNR-2005] - No tooltips on table content icons like smartform, documents, notes *[TNR-1764] - Dropdowns get "-" as value *[TNR-1662] - PRC - changing owner, starter,deployer don't have an effect ----- ==== Technical Tasks ==== *[TNR-1542] - JBoss EAP 6 Support *[TNR-1942] - Multi Database Support *[TNR-1235] - Sharepointsettings are now not part of application *[TNR-1813] - Useless Errormessage when Base64 credentials are invalid on pi webstart *[TNR-1814] - Corrupted json on loginpage *[TNR-1822] - SQL Error loom_nodeinstance not found in PMC *[TNR-1836] - Error in Admin Client User with broken Properties *[TNR-1863] - Deeplink does not work in verticale Todo *[TNR-1867] - Document view of Documents of Sub/Softlinkprocesses *[TNR-1878] - CAS - prevent login.js changes for provider-host *[TNR-1592] - SEZ should always be replaced *[TNR-1719] - New Namespace for Variables (${SYS.) *[TNR-1747] - Searchresult does not show Smartform icon *[TNR-1758] - New Groupmemberships must be placed on first position *[TNR-1966] - System users are not changeable any more *[TNR-1891] - Company, Companyid and Country added to Userprofile *[TNR-1545] - Section handling - locked fields are not marked *[TNR-1600] - Groups can't be scrolled in Userprofile *[TNR-1611] - Expand role field in User Profile *[TNR-1681] - Store selected PD when starting an instance *[TNR-1692] - Archived Users are not unassigned from Swimlanes *[TNR-1707] - TaskInstance doesn't show remaining time out of cache behaviour *[TNR-1959] - Processdesigner Context Role mapped to deployer *[TNR-1968] - Enable Special Chars on Clients