Bug *[TNR-116] - Loginmodule now doesn't store Loginsession *[TNR-138] - Documentupload are now UTF-8 encoded *[TNR-199] - In 1G-Todo-Client the Smartformsearch now works *[TNR-200] - TODO-Client 2G Smartformsearch doesnt show Error if for nothing is searched for *[TNR-201] - user gets removed when hovering the assignee select box and user doesn't fit to the group *[TNR-224] - Section handling now locks buttons *[TNR-288] - In Archived Instances all Insstances are shown, not only of the logged in user *[TNR-303] - Improved LDAP Logging *[TNR-308] - Filenames created by wordtemplatehandler now show special characters correctly *[TNR-318] - ProcessVariable are now removed if value is empty *[TNR-320] - InheritAttachedDocumentsHandler can be used if there is no document attached *[TNR-340] - WriteBackProcessVariableHandler can be used even if mainprocess is missing *[TNR-362] - MailByProcessVariableHandler can now also use hours *[TNR-367] - Processvariables are now avaible, even if process starts with Scriptnode or Mailnode *[TNR-374] - WordTemplateHandler - overwriteExisting=true now overwrite PDF's correct *[TNR-385] - Notes counter is now displayed correct *[TNR-389] - https protocol is now supported *[TNR-423] - Specialchars in processvariables are replaced if used in filename (eg var/iable gets var-iable) *[TNR-438] - The Tab "Search" in ToDo Client no shows the correct number of pages *[TNR-441] - GenerateOffsetEscalationTimeHandler can now use Mailtext from parameter *[TNR-452] - Shedulded Starttime in properties of Processinstance now doesnt show popup *[TNR-468] - Webservice calls get now confirmed *[TNR-476] - Subprocesses can no longer signal Mainprocesses if archived *[TNR-488] - ToDo-Client: Smartformrefresh is now correct, if an value is changed *[TNR-492] - All timers of ProcessInstanceManger got an Limit *[TNR-502] - TaskInstances can now not be reassigned if the finished yet *[TNR-520] - generateOffsetEscalation now interprets seconds correct *[TNR-534] - XLS Download of lists now works correct *[TNR-545] - Sorting of search result doesnt show sometime an exception *[TNR-549] - Processvariables are now labled correct in Database *[TNR-565] - Invalid characters from the Smartform are removed before validation *[TNR-567] - RepeatingWordTemplateHandler now uses the whole Part and converts it to PDF Improvement *[TNR-62] - Instances can only be archived if User is Processmanager *[TNR-89] - Smartformsearch now doesnt search for init variables (e.g. Timestamps) *[TNR-147] - AdHoc Tasks are redesigned and are now attached to an process, but dont depend on it *[TNR-174] - Notes can now only be archived by the creator *[TNR-206] - Tooltips added to all clients *[TNR-276] - Tasks mustn't be opened by E-Mail link if user isn't Actor or PooledActor *[TNR-278] - Tasks cant be opened any more, if User is not Actor or Pooledactor *[TNR-289] - Forwarded Authentification messages of Modules are displayed correct now *[TNR-297] - Column "Creator" was added to the Documents Tab *[TNR-302] - "Finished Tasks" now shows all tasks of me and my Groups *[TNR-305] - MailByProcessVariableHandler can now send Mails to supervisor *[TNR-353] - Processmanager now can Assign every task to everyone *[TNR-384] - Smartformsearch doesnt show Popup if canceled *[TNR-397] - Timer now can use human timestamps (m,h,d) *[TNR-399] - If Mailadress already exists an Errormessage shows, in which Client and which user it is set to *[TNR-402] - Variables can now be used in Subject and Mailtext *[TNR-424] - Mandatoryhandler now uses the Label of an Processvariable if not set *[TNR-449] - Mail nodes with groups as recipients *[TNR-457] - If Group has Mailadress set, Taskmails will be sent there *[TNR-463] - Efforthandler and AddActionHandlerToTask handler are added to the default Actionhandlers *[TNR-464] - Admins can now set where Notes are automaticly added (Processinstance, Activity, Task) *[TNR-512] - iCal Handler is now avaible *[TNR-518] - signalByMail now doesnt log the whole mail *[TNR-519] - generateOffsetEscalationHandler improved the logging *[TNR-537] - Jars added to the libary for dependencies *[TNR-544] - More Information on Users Detail UI *[TNR-546] - Cleanup clientprofile (Clientside) *[TNR-548] - Indexfields are now avaible in PM-Client *[TNR-559] - Taskmails now send Groupname in Taskmails *[TNR-607] - New created Timers now have the Limit of runs is set to 1 as default *[TNR-366] - Wordtemplatehandler can now contain an Processvariable as name which is empty *[TNR-377] - The Smartform can now be printed as PDF on an Wordtemplate *[TNR-448] - Section Handling improved for Internet Explorer 9 *[TNR-469] - Java 7 is now supported *[TNR-602] - Timer count is now reset before every start New Feature *[TNR-171] - Notify asignee if his task is done by somebody else *[TNR-173] - Tasks now have the Button "Save Smartform and set Task to done" *[TNR-256] - The Costcenter is now used out of Userprofil if effort is tracked *[TNR-304] - New Actionhandler added: signalAllWaitStateByTimeFromVariable *[TNR-447] - Delegation for members can now be allowed in Clientprofile *[TNR-597] - Just modified input fields can now be flagged in Smartform