==== Bugfix ==== *[TNR-367] - If first Node is Mailnode Variable processinstanceName is not found *[TNR-456] - \n no longer implies linebreak in wordtemplate *[TNR-465] - JOD Converter kann keine docx konvertieren -> add jod 2.2.2 jar to dep *[TNR-468] - Bestätigung nach WS-Signal kommt nicht mehr *[TNR-479] - ATTACH_ hängt keine Dokumente an *[TNR-482] - Dates in French aren't displayed correctly *[TNR-487] - loom.ear/lib/ needs general stubs jars *[TNR-489] - "My Instances" shows exception Popup *[TNR-503] - Mailnodes should display newline indicators out of variables *[TNR-505] - Email test in admin does not show the right exception ------ ==== Verbesserungen ==== *[TNR-462] - Upload for webform increased to 30MB *[TNR-467] - Die Spalten "query" und "fields" müssen longtext sein (Dashboard) *[TNR-475] - "Tasks" in ToDo Client should show Assignee and Group *[TNR-478] - new Handlers for Project *[TNR-480] - Done Tasks must be shown even if their process instance is archived *[TNR-483] - Kopieren von archivierten Instanzen ermöglichen *[TNR-484] - Leere Variablen im HTTPRequestHandler ---- ==== Neue Funktionen ==== *[TNR-472] - Add the Parameter "remind-group-if-task-has-no-reminder=true" to loom.properties *[TNR-500] - CreateXMLByProcessVariableHandler