==== Improvements ==== i_yes_icon [TNR-5204] Softlinks are now started without separate database transaction per default. Can be activated by tim.property. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-4841] TSS Forms are now secured against multiaccess. Also showing person in charge if form is opened same time from another user. \\ ---- ==== Bugfixes ==== i_yes_icon [TNR-5287] Showing now translated error message if a user tries to upload a license file manually to resources. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5285] Documents tab in subprocesses now opens subprocess mainfolder autom. even if root folders from mainprocessinstance are shown. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5284] While uploading files via documents tab the context role processowner instead of static role processmanager will be checked (only if property dms-user-check-processmanager (deprecated) or dms-user-check-processowner is set to true. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5282] More detailed information is shown if resources could not be uploaded due to database limitations. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5273] Timer performPastReminders is now able to handle 100k+ reminders in one call. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5271] Unzipping in TIM resource folders is not possible even with umlauts in filenames or folder. User can decide between different decoding options. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5268] Performance of migration Webservices in ContextRoleManager improved and OOM prevented \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5254] If folders are exported out of Eclipse to local filesystem and zipped with windows or winrar zip they will be unzipped without subfolders in TIM resources \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5252] In some circumstances already completed activities where shown as not completed (realEnd was null). \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5143] The Timer setProcessVariableAndSignalProcessInstanceByTransitionName doesn't reload tim.properties anymore. They have been reloaded too many times. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5271] Unzipping in TIM resource folders is not possible even with umlauts in filenames or folder. User can decide between different decoding options. \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-5284] While uploading files via documents tab the context role processowner instead of static role processmanager will be checked (only if property dms-user-check-processmanager (deprecated) or dms-user-check-processowner is set to true. \\