FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)//
==== Testing the e-mail configuration ====
{{ software:tim:mailserver.png?direct&700 |}}
Checking the e-mail configuration settings (see[[software:tim:client_profile| client profile]]) can be initiated by clicking on "Email configuration test".
==== Mandatory fields for testing =====
The following fields must be filled in correctly in order to send a test mail. Otherwise, no e-mail can be sent (see [[en:software:tim:client_profile]]):
* Smtp Sender address (Must be filled-in!)
* SmtpHost (Must be filled-in!)
* SmtpPort (Must be filled-in!)
* Start TLS
* Smtp needs Auth.
* Smtp User (if authentication is activated)
* Smtp Password (if authentication is activated)
If one of these fields is filled-in incorrectly, it may be that the mail server rejects the connection and the test mail cannot be sent.
> TIM always sends the test mail to the email address of the user who performed the test!
====Adjusting the testmail's content=====
The testmail's content and subject can be adjusted. Therefor the following values have to be put into the **** in the following syntax.
LANGUAGEABBREVIATION+ _testMailSubject for the subject
LANGUAGEABBREVIATION+ _testMailContent for the content
The language abbrevitaions can be found under [[en:software:tim:sprachenkuerzel | language abbrevitaions]]. It is also possible to put the general link to the system as a blocker into the content. For that just put the keyword **${BaseLink}** at the desired place.
If no entries can be found in the data for the current language, then German or English are used.
en_GB_testMailContent=The TIM system was correctly connected to the mail server. Direct link to the system: ${BaseLink}
==== Info ====
> From [[software:tim:changelog:tim347|Version 3.4.7]] the exact error appears in the Email test.
All older versions show the following windows:
From [[software:tim:changelog:tim36|version 3.6]] on, a MailQueue is provided. If the test mails are sent, but no task mails or mail nodes are sent, the [[en:software:tim:timer:sendalldelayedemails|Mail-Timer]] is not set-up or activated!
==== Dumbster ====
In order to test processes and their mails, TIM provides a small SMTP-Server, which receives the mails and displays them immediately. More information can be found [[dumbster|here]].