====== SignalMainProcessBySoftlinkState ====== ==== Description ==== This timer checks, if instances of a specific process are on a transferred node.\\ If this is the case, all softlinks of that instance are checked, whether they are a node which starts with the transferred identifieer \\ (e.g.: nodeName: Wait_1 identifier: Wait Result: OK / NodeName: 1_Wait identifier: WaitErgebnis: Not OK).\\ A limit has to be given, which determines how many mainprocess instances are checked per run.\\ If all condidtions are met, the mainprocess is forwarded. ---- ==== Timer Name ==== any ==== Webservice Name ==== ProcessInstanceManager ==== Webservice Methode ==== createProcessInstancesByHandler ---- ---- ==== Parameter ==== == Parameter == com.dooris.bpm.signal.SignalMainProcessBySoftlinkState,MAINPROCESSDEFINITION;NODENAMEMAINPROCESS;NODEIDENTIFIERSOFTLINK;LIMIT ---- ==== example ==== com.dooris.bpm.signal.SignalMainProcessBySoftlinkState,SignalTestProzess;NodeInMainprocess;NodeInSoftlink_;10 ---- ==== Dependencies==== __TIM Version__ : [[:software:tim:changelog:unbekannt|Customer_Others]]