===== signalByMail ===== ==== Description ==== This [[en:software:tim:timer|timer]] checks a mailbox for new mails and forwards the corresponding process instance. ------ ==== Timer Name ==== any name \\ ==== Webservice Name ==== ProcessInstanceManager \\ ==== Webservice Method ==== signalByMailWithLimitAndMoveMessage ---- ==== Parameter ==== === ProcessInstanceID-Reg-Exp === piIdRegex, a [[regularexpression|regular expression]], that specifies how the ProcessInstanceID is found. It searches in the text and in the subject for this. \\ === Aktivitynames-Reg-Exp === nodeNameRegex, a [[regularexpression|regular expression]] that searches the currently processed mail of the given activity and signals it. It searches in texts and in subjects on the server for this. \\ == Filter-Reg-Exp == filterRegex, a [[regularexpression|regular expression]] that specifies the conditions under which mails are to be processed. >> **IMPORTANT!** > If parts of the [[regularexpression|regular expression]] are set in ( ), they will still be searched but will not be a part of the return value.(e.g.the PI-ID) > Example: (args\[3\]=)[A-Za-z_0-9]*(\&args\[4\]=) returns a text with uppercase and lowercase letters, underscore and numbers when it is located between args[3]= and &args[4] \\ === E-Mail-address === the complete e-mail address from which the mails are retrieved. \\ === Password === the password of the E-Mail account \\ === Port === the port corresponding to the e-mail address and the host \\ === Host === host, e.g. pop3.gmail.com ---- ==== Example ==== "(\?args\[0\]=)[0-9]{4}(\&args\[1\]=)","(args\[3\]=)[A-Za-z_0-9]*(\&args\[4\]=)","",johnm1477@gmail.com,&e1am!sIlI,995,pop.gmail.com ---- ==== Dependencies ==== \\ __TIM Version__ : [[en:software:tim:changelog:2.4.7|Version 3.5.1]]