===== createReminderForEveryNodeForProcessdefinitionInProcent ===== ==== Description ==== This timer creates an [[software:tim:actionhandler:mailreminderhandler|escalation]] for each node instance each process instance of the given process definition. ==== Timer Name ==== any name \\ ==== Webservice Name ==== EscalationManager ==== Webservice Methode ==== createReminderForEveryNodeForProcessdefinitionInProcent ==== Parameter ==== === Process definition === Name of the process definition === remindInPercentBeforeEnd === Determines the time of the escalation for an activity as a percent. e.g. If the parameter is set to 40, after 60% of the given time is elapsed, it will escalate. (An activity with a dureation of ten hours (100%) will escalate, after six hours (60%) have passed. === assignee === Determines the user, which will be notified in case of an escalation (see [[en:software:tim:actionhandler:mailreminderhandler|MailReminderHandler]]) === limit === Number of escalations to be created at each call. >IMPORTANT! >>If this number is too large possibly no escalations will be created. ---- ==== Example ==== {{ :software:tim:timer:timerCreateReminder_en.png }}\\ ---- ==== Dependencies ==== \\ __T!M Version__ : [[en:software:tim:changelog:unbekannt|3.5.1]]