==== Description ==== This timer selects a file from a specific folder. After this, it renames the process instance(s) that have been started. Additionally, the file is attached to the instance. The file may also be saved in a given folder. ------ ==== Timer Name ==== Any name i.e. CreateProcessInstanceFromInputFolder ==== Webservice Name ==== ProcessInstanceManager ==== Webservice Method ==== createProcessInstancesByHandler ==== Parameter ==== com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.CreateProcessInstanceFromInputFolder,ERSETZE_MICH1;C:\Dokumente\input;C:\Dokumente\backup; ==== Parameter1 ==== com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.CreateProcessInstanceFromInputFolder -> Actionhandlerklasse \\ ==== Parameter2 ==== ERSETZE_MICH1 -> Process definition \\ ==== Parameter3 ==== Path of the document \\ ==== Parameter4 ==== The path alon which the file is to be moved after it has been attached to the process instance. \\ >> **Caution!** Please do no forget to put a "," (comma) between the first parameter (action handler class) and the second parameter (process definition) to separate them! A ";" (semicolon) is used as a separator in the parameters coming thereafter! ---- ==== Additional Mandatory Fields ==== - Executing user\\ - Time until start\\ - Time interval \\ - Max. number fo runs\\ Note: is a "starting time" is given, the "time until start" field does not need to be filled out. ==== Example ==== {{:software:tim:timer:www.png?direct&200|}}