========createProcessInstancesByHandler======= ==== Description ==== The timer gets all *.csv files from a folder passed to it and creates for each CSV a new table in the database.\\ The tables are named as follows: "custom_FILENAME".\\ The first row of the CSV determines the number and names of the columns, all other rows fill these columns. \\ If the number of columns from a row do not correspond to the number of columns of the table, it will filled with "zero" until the number is correct. \\ ==== Timer Name ==== any name \\ ==== Webservice Name ==== ProcessInstanceManager ==== Webservice Methode ==== createProcessInstancesByHandler ==== Parameter ==== == Parameter == Path to the folder where the CSV files are located! \\ com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.CreateAndFillDbByCsvInputHandler,FILEPATH ==== Example ==== {{ en:software:tim:timer:createandfillbycsv.png |}} \\ ---- ==== Dependences ==== \\ __T!M Version__ : [[software:tim:changelog:unbekannt|Customer_Others]]