==== AddFilesToProcessInstance ==== The AddFilesToProcessInstance timer browses through a folder on the server. To filter a specific part of the filename a regex has to be given. Now in every instance a variable and its value is read out. It is alternatively possible to read out use the regex on the instance's name instead of the variable's value. A part of the vlaue of this variable is now filtered out with a regex. If the part of the filname matches the part of the variable value. the file is attached to the instance. Following that the file can be moved or deleted. ---- ==== Timer Name ==== any ==== Webservice Name ==== DMSManager ==== Webservice Method ==== addFilesToProcessInstance ---- ---- ==== Parameter ==== == Path == Explanation (s. [[#example|example]]) The path for the files that have to be brwosed through has to be given here. On a Windows server slashes (/) and not backslashes (\) have to be used. >> **Attention!** After the file a / or \ has to follow, e.g. C:/temp/ == File Regex == The regex after which th part of the filename has to be filtered has to be given here. The wanted part has to given in parentheses ("("). Explanation (s. [[#example|example]]) == Variable Regex == The regex after which the wanted part of the variable's value has to be filtered has to be given here. The wanted part has to given in parentheses ("("). == Definition name == THe definition, which the instances belongs to has to be given here. == Variable == The name of the variable of which the vlaue is to be browsed through has to be given here. If instead of the variable the instance's name should be searched, **processinstance** has to be given instead of the variable name. == Deleting == Here you have to specify whether the file should be deleted (true) or moved (false). == Moving path == If in the previous parameter "false" is given, the path to which the file should be moved to has to be given here. On a Windows server slashes (/) and not backslashes (\) have to be used. >> **Attention!** After the file a / or \ has to follow, e.g. C:/temp/ >> **Attention!** Do not let the last parameter empty. ---- ==== Examples ==== Different exmaples for the parameters, or the regex. == Example 1 == This combination browses through the file name as well as the variable value according to the first sequence of numbers and compares them. * C:/tmp/,([0-9]+),([0-9]+),definitionname,applicant,true,C:/tmp/old/ == Example 2 == In this combination the file name and the variable name have to match. * C:/tmp/,(.*),(.*),definitionname,applicant,false,C:/tmp/old/ == Example 3 == In this combination the respectively first letter sequence is compared. * C:/tmp/,([A-Za-z]*),([A-Za-z]*),definitionname,applicant,false,C:/tmp/old/ == Example 4 == This combbination searches for a versioned file with a fixed prefix. In this case "tim_". The prefix with the attached number has to be present in the variable value. e.g.: "tim_24.png" * C:/tmp/,(tim_[0-9]+),(tim_[0-9]+),Definitionname,antragsteller,false,C:/tmp/old/ {{ :en:software:tim:timer:addfilestoprocessinstance.png?709x610 }} ---- ==== Dependencies ==== [[:software:tim:changelog:tim40|v4.0]]