======Timer======= Timers are frequent, running functions, which are used for time-controlled tasks. See [[administration_client#timer|Display of Timer in Admin-Client]] and [[create_timer|create new timer]]. ^ Description ^ Technical description ^ From version ^ ^ System (Important) ||| | Assigns [[tasks]] to a [[user_profile_absence_rules|representative]], is used for the stand-in functions | [[en:software:tim:timer:handleActualAbsences]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|All]] | | Synchronizes TIM with an LDAP-Server | [[en:software:tim:timer:createUsersFromLdapGroup]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|All]] | | Transfers the mail-queue to the lodged mailserver | [[en:software:tim:timer:sendAllDelayedEmails]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|3.6]] | | Determines the status for the all [[en:software:tim:client|clients]] | [[en:software:tim:timer:updateEscalationStatus]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|3.6]] | ^ Escalations/Reminder ||| |Forwards an instance after a certain time and sets a process variable | [[en:software:tim:timer:signalProcessInstanceInWaitStateAndSetProcessVariable]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|3.7]] | |Creates a reminder for all activities of a process definition after "x-percent" of the processing time | [[en:software:tim:timer:createReminderForEveryNodeForProcessdefinitionInProcent]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|3.6]] | |Sends due escalation mails | [[en:software:tim:timer:performescalationfornodestimerwithlimit]] | | |Sends due reminder mails | [[en:software:tim:timer:performPastReminders]] | |Used the a marked escalation should function within a BPMN Model| [[en:software:tim:timer:doEscalation]] | [[en:software:tim:timer:doEscalation|4.2]] | ^ Process instances ||| |Checks a mailbox for new mails and forwards the corresponding process instance | [[en:software:tim:timer:signalByMail]] | | |Checks a mailbox for new mails, forwards the corresponding process instance, and moves the mail | [[en:software:tim:timer:signalbymailwithlimitandmovemessage]] | | |Checks an infobox for new answer mails and processes those (e.g. for incorporating externs) | [[en:software:tim:timer:signalbymailreply]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|3.6.2]] | |Sends instances to a particular activity if a set time-period is exhausted or a date has been reached. | [[en:software:tim:timer:signalAllWaitStateByTimeFromVariable]] | | |Starts instances in combination with a handler | [[en:software:tim:timer:createProcessInstancesByHandler]] | | |Writes process variable and forwards instance | [[en:software:tim:timer:setProcessVariableAndSignalProcessInstanceByTransitionName]] | | ^ Interfaces ||| |Creates and populates database tables from CSV files | [[en:software:tim:timer:CreateAndFillDbByCsvInput]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|Customer_Others]] | ^ Process definitions ||| |Manipulates process definition in accordance with excel tables | [[en:software:tim:timer:setActivityDetailByExcelInput]] | [[en:software:tim:changelog|4.0]] | \\ \\