====== Bootstrap Example ====== ==== 1. Integrate Bootstrap ==== In order to use Bootstrap in a smartform, one has to load the framework's artifacts from TIM. This can be done by adding ''data-bootstrap="true"'' to the ''
==== 2. Structuring a smartform using Bootstrap ==== Bootstrap devides the user's screen into rows and cols, which adapt to the current display's width and height. This is the reason why a structure of rows and cols is created in the first place and is filled with input-fields etc. afterwards. They get the class ''form-control'', which causes them to adapt the width and height of their parent element. The screens width is 12 columns. A cell can be 1-12 columns wide, the desired width can be stated using integers from 1 to 12: ''class="col-md-CHANGEME"''. A recommended heuristic is to create a Div that will be used as a container first, then create rows and afterwards cells inside the rows, which are x columns wide. Should a more precise structure be required, one can create nested cells. Since a cell gets it's width from the parent element, a nested cell's 12 rows equal 100% of the parent cells width.\\ Some elements, e.g. textareas one can use the ''rows="CHANGEME"'' parameter in order to modify the element's height. The parameter expects an integer.\\ If one needs to customize the design for certain screensizes, then elements can receive multiple widths. Bootstrap differentiates between xs, sm, md, lg. They mean extra small (e.G: smartphone), small (e.G: tablet), medium (e.G: monitor), and large (e.G: large monitor). A common strategy is to maximize a field's width on smartphones while keeping the label and the inputfield in one line on bigger screens. To achieve this a cell gets two widths: One with ''xs'' and one with ''md''. The former is used if the screen is small and the latter is used if the screen is medium and/or bigger.