====Report Buttons==== It is possible to include a button in the smartform which allows to create report with a click. Therefor the following code has to be included and adjusted in the smartform. The attribute "onbuttonclick" defines which functions should be executed by the handler. * showActivitiesTable: Specifies whether the report should have a task table or not. * showActivitiesNotes: Specifies whether the task's notes belong in the report or not. * reportType: PIReport the instancereport will always be created. * showInstanceNotes: Should the report include the instancenotes? * showSmartForm: Should a listing of the processvariables be included? * showProcessGraphic: Is a processgraphic neeeded in the process? * reportFormat: Should the report be created in a //pdf//- or a //xls// format. * reportLanguage: Reportlanguage. So far English and German are possible.