==== Purpose of the component ==== Often a decision in TIM is made by many different departments or users. If one of them declines, it does not matter how the others decide and it is declined. ---- ==== Which actitvities and gateways do I need in a process? ==== Activities and gateways that ar needed for implementation: * XOR (amount depending on different users) ---- ==== Which actionhandlers do I need? ==== Actionhandler that are needed for implementation: * [[:software:tim:actionhandler:variabledecisionhandler|VariableDecisionHandler]] ---- ==== Smartform ==== We need the option to release or decline for all 3 reviewer in the smartform.
Reviewer 1 Yes No Reviewer 2 Yes No Reviewer 3 Ja No
==== Integration ==== {{ :en:software:tim:bausteine:serial_decision.png?800x397 }} == XOR´s == On the XOR gateway a VariableDecisionHandler is to be set, which accesses the releasevarible in the smartform.