====== IdGenerationActionhandler ====== This handler generates a ID and saves this in a process variable. The difference to [[en:software:tim:actionhandler:yearidgenerator|yearidgenerator]] is that no current yearnumber is set before the ID. ------ ==== class==== com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.IDGenerationActionHandler \\ ---- ==== Event Type ==== any ==== Action Name ==== any ==== Mandatory Fields ==== empty ---- ==== Parameter ==== == processVariable == Here the name of the process variable can be given, in which the ID should be saved. \\ == length == With **length** the length of the ID can be determined. If this parameter is not used, the langth is 4 characters long. \\ == resetBy == With this parameter it can be determined, how often the ID should be reset. If this parameter is not used, the ID will be reset to 0000 for every calender year and starts new. Available options are: *year *month ------ ==== example==== {{:software:tim:actionhandler:handler2.png?270 |Parameter 1}} {{:software:tim:actionhandler:handler3.png?270 | Parameter 2}}