====== CreateProcessInstanceFromFolderByXMLWithTSSTables ====== ==== Description ==== WIth this handler it is possible to start process instances from XML files. For every XMl file one instance is started. The information located in the XML are handed over as process variables. ---- ==== Class ==== com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.CreateProcessInstanceFromFolderByXMLWithTSSTables ---- ==== Event Type ==== any ==== Action Name ==== any ==== Mandatory Fields ==== - ---- ==== Parameter ==== == Definition == Here the name of the definition of which a instance should be started has to be stated. == Pfad == Here the path to the XMl has to be given. Either a path directly leading to the XML file, in this case only this file is used. If the path leads to a folder, all XML files that are in that folder are used. The path has to given with "/" on Unix servers. Under Windows with "" == Pattern == Here the name in which the instance name should be located can be given here. ==Archivpfad== Here a path which leads to an ordner has to be given. The processed XML files are moved into this ordner. ====Dependencies==== __Timer__: [[en:software:tim:timer:createprocessinstancesbyhandler|createProcessInstancesByHandler]]