FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// ====== CreateProcessInstanceFromFolderByXML ====== ==== Description ==== This handler allows the user to start process instances from XML files. One instance is started per XML file. The information found in the XML are delivered as process variables. ------ ==== Action Class ==== com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.CreateProcessInstanceFromFolderByXML \\ ---- ==== Event Type ==== any ==== Action Name ==== any ==== Mandatory Fields ==== - ---- ==== Parameter ==== == Definition== The name of the definition from which the instance is to be started is given here. \\ == Path == Here, the path to the XML file is given. This may be either a path directly to an XML file, in which case only the specified file is used. This may also be a path to a folder, in which case all XML files in the folder will used. the path must be given with "/" for Unix servers and with "\" for Windows \\ == Pattern == Here the name, in which the instance name should be found, is given. ===XML Example=== Here is the variable content Here is the variable content InstanceName if a process variable containing the value of the **pattern** is found, the process instance will be named after this value. If this is not the case, the instance will be named after the located file ---- ==== Example ==== {{ createistancebyxml.png }} ---- ==== Dependencies ==== \\ __Timer__: [[en:software:tim:timer:createprocessinstancesbyhandler|createProcessInstancesByHandler]]