FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// =====Task-Related Analyses===== ==== All open tasks for a specific user ==== select i.lastname as Nachname, i.firstname as Vorname, as Username, as Task, as Instanzname, pi.definitionName as Prozessname from view_activity a, view_task t, view_identity i, view_instance pi where = t.activity and = and a.end is null and t.end is null and = a.instanceId and pi.archiv = 0 and pi.end is null and i.lastname = "Barth" ==== Number of created, completed, and open tasks per process definition ==== SELECT inst.definitionname AS Prozess, COUNT( AS "Number of created tasks", COUNT( AS "Number of completed tasks", COUNT( AS "Number of open tasks" FROM view_task t1 INNER JOIN view_activity act ON INNER JOIN view_instance inst ON t1.instanceid = LEFT JOIN view_task t2 ON AND (t2.end is not null OR act.END IS NOT NULL) LEFT JOIN view_task t3 ON AND t3.end is null AND inst.end is null and inst.archiv is false GROUP BY inst.definitionname ==== Number of created, completed, and open tasks for a specified process definition ==== SELECT inst.definitionname AS Prozess, COUNT( AS "Number of created tasks", COUNT( AS "Number of completed tasks", COUNT( AS "Number of open tasks" FROM view_task t1 INNER JOIN view_activity act ON INNER JOIN view_instance inst ON t1.instanceid = LEFT JOIN view_task t2 ON AND (t2.end is not null OR act.END IS NOT NULL) LEFT JOIN view_task t3 ON AND t3.end is null AND inst.end is null and inst.archiv is false where inst.definitionname ="Name of process definition" ==== Average time (in hh:mm:ss) from creation to completion for all tasks (independent of which process definition and also outside of working hours) ==== SELECT IF((FLOOR(sekunden))<60, concat(IF((FLOOR(sekunden))<10,"00:00:0","00:00:"),(FLOOR(sekunden))), IF((FLOOR(sekunden))>3600, CAST(concat(h,IF(FLOOR((FLOOR(sekunden)- h*3600-sek)/60)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR((FLOOR(sekunden)- h*3600-sek)/60),IF(sek<10,":0",":"),sek) AS CHAR), concat(IF(FLOOR(sekunden/60)<10,"00:0","00:"),FLOOR(sekunden/60),IF(FLOOR(sek)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR(sek)) ) ) AS "Average wait time for tasks" FROM (SELECT FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))) AS sekunden, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))%60) AS sek, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))/3600) AS h FROM view_task WHERE end is not null) AS dusub ==== Average time (in hh:mm:ss) from creation to completion for all tasks per month (independent of which process definition and also outside of working hours) ==== SELECT Monat, IF((FLOOR(sekunden))<60, concat(IF((FLOOR(sekunden))<10,"00:00:0","00:00:"),(FLOOR(sekunden))), IF((FLOOR(sekunden))>3600, CAST(concat(h,IF(FLOOR((FLOOR(sekunden)- h*3600-sek)/60)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR((FLOOR(sekunden)- h*3600-sek)/60),IF(sek<10,":0",":"),sek) AS CHAR), concat(IF(FLOOR(sekunden/60)<10,"00:0","00:"),FLOOR(sekunden/60),IF(FLOOR(sek)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR(sek)) ) ) AS "Average wait time for tasks" FROM (SELECT concat(SUBSTRING(monthname(START),1,3)," ",SUBSTRING(CAST(YEAR(START) AS CHAR),3,2)) AS Monat, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))) AS sekunden, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))%60) AS sek, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))/3600) AS h FROM view_task WHERE isOpen = "0" GROUP BY YEAR(START), MONTH(START)) AS dusub ==== Average time (in hh:mm:ss) from creation to completion for all tasks excluding outliers (independent of which process definition and also outside of working hours) ==== SELECT Monat, IF((FLOOR(sekunden))<60, concat(if((FLOOR(sekunden))<10,"00:00:0","00:00:"),(FLOOR(sekunden))), IF((FLOOR(sekunden))>3600, cast(concat(h,if(FLOOR((FLOOR(sekunden)- h*3600-sek)/60)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR((FLOOR(sekunden)- h*3600-sek)/60),if(sek<10,":0",":"),sek) as CHAR), concat(if(FLOOR(sekunden/60)<10,"00:0","00:"),FLOOR(sekunden/60),if(FLOOR(sek)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR(sek)) ) ) AS "Average wait time for tasks" FROM (select concat(SUBSTRING(monthname(START),1,3)," ",SUBSTRING(CAST(YEAR(START) AS CHAR),3,2)) AS Monat, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))) as sekunden, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))%60) as sek, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START)))/3600) as h FROM view_task WHERE isOpen = "0" AND CAST(FLOOR((unix_timestamp(END) - unix_timestamp(START))) AS DECIMAL(10,10)) < 10000 group by YEAR(START), MONTH(START)) as dusub ==== All open task with an active instance (not ended and not archived) and active activity (not ended and not archived) with user ==== SELECT AS Aufgabe, IF (concat(ident.lastname, ", ",ident.firstname) IS NOT NULL, concat(ident.lastname, ", ",ident.firstname), AS 'Bearbeiter', AS 'Instanz', AS 'Prozess', tsk.creationTime AS "CreationTime" FROM view_task tsk LEFT JOIN view_identity ident ON = LEFT JOIN view_identity grouped ON tsk.pooledActor = INNER JOIN view_instance inst ON tsk.instanceId = INNER JOIN view_definition def ON inst.definitionId = INNER JOIN view_activity act ON tsk.activity = WHERE inst.archiv = 'false' AND tsk.isOpen = 1 ==== Average, minimum, and maximum lead time for all tasks in a specified process definition (in hh:mm:ss) ==== SELECT name AS Aufgabe, IF((FLOOR(avgSekunden))<60, concat(IF((FLOOR(avgSekunden))<10,"00:00:0","00:00:"),(FLOOR(avgSekunden))), IF((FLOOR(avgSekunden))>3600, CAST(concat(avgH,IF(FLOOR((FLOOR(avgSekunden)- avgH*3600-avgSek)/60)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR((FLOOR(avgSekunden)- avgH*3600-avgSek)/60),IF(avgSek<10,":0",":"),avgSek) AS CHAR), concat(IF(FLOOR(avgSekunden/60)<10,"00:0","00:"),FLOOR(avgSekunden/60),IF(FLOOR(avgSek)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR(avgSek)) ) )AS "Average lead time", IF((FLOOR(minSekunden))<60, concat(IF((FLOOR(minSekunden))<10,"00:00:0","00:00:"),(FLOOR(minSekunden))), IF((FLOOR(minSekunden))>3600, CAST(concat(minH,IF(FLOOR((FLOOR(minSekunden)- minH*3600-minSek)/60)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR((FLOOR(minSekunden)- minH*3600-minSek)/60),IF(minSek<10,":0",":"),minSek) AS CHAR), concat(IF(FLOOR(minSekunden/60)<10,"00:0","00:"),FLOOR(minSekunden/60),IF(FLOOR(minSek)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR(minSek)) ) ) AS "Minimum lead time", IF((FLOOR(maxSekunden))<60, concat(IF((FLOOR(maxSekunden))<10,"00:00:0","00:00:"),(FLOOR(maxSekunden))), IF((FLOOR(maxSekunden))>3600, CAST(concat(maxH,IF(FLOOR((FLOOR(maxSekunden)- maxH*3600-maxSek)/60)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR((FLOOR(maxSekunden)- maxH*3600-maxSek)/60),IF(maxSek<10,":0",":"),maxSek) AS CHAR), concat(IF(FLOOR(maxSekunden/60)<10,"00:0","00:"),FLOOR(maxSekunden/60),IF(FLOOR(maxSek)<10,":0",":"),FLOOR(maxSek)) ) ) AS "Maximum lead time" FROM (SELECT inst.definitionname AS defName, AS name, FLOOR(MIN((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START)))) AS minSekunden, FLOOR(MIN((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START)))%60) AS minSek, FLOOR(MIN((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600)) AS minH, FLOOR(MAX((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START)))) AS maxSekunden, FLOOR(MAX((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START)))%60) AS maxSek, FLOOR(MAX((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600)) AS maxH, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START)))) AS avgSekunden, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START)))%60) AS avgSek, FLOOR(avg((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600)) AS avgH, (unix_timestamp(task.END)-unix_timestamp(task.START)) AS datediff FROM view_task task INNER JOIN view_instance inst ON WHERE task.END IS NOT NULL AND task.START IS NOT NULL AND inst.definitionname = "Name of process definition" GROUP BY ) AS datediffsub WHERE datediff > 0 GROUP BY name ==== Average, minimum, and maximum lead time for all tasks in a specified process definition (in h) ==== SELECT AS Aufgabe, CAST((MIN((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600)) AS DECIMAL(10,1)) AS "Minimum lead time", CAST((avg((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600)) AS DECIMAL(10,1)) AS "Average lead time", CAST((MAX((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600)) AS DECIMAL(10,1)) AS "Maximum lead time" FROM view_task task INNER JOIN view_instance inst ON WHERE task.END IS NOT NULL AND task.START IS NOT NULL and (unix_timestamp(task.END)-unix_timestamp(task.START)) >0 and inst.definitionname = "Name of process definition" GROUP BY ====Average, minimum, and maximum lead time for all tasks in a specified process definition (in h) per month ==== SELECT concat(SUBSTRING(monthname(task.START),1,3)," ",SUBSTRING(CAST(YEAR(task.START) AS CHAR),3,2)) AS Monat, AS Aufgabe, CAST(avg((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600) AS DECIMAL(10,1)) AS "Average lead time", CAST(MIN((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600) AS DECIMAL(10,1)) AS "Minimum lead time", CAST(MAX((unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START))/3600) AS DECIMAL(10,1)) AS "Maximum lead time" FROM view_task task INNER JOIN view_instance inst ON WHERE task.END IS NOT NULL AND task.START IS NOT NULL AND (unix_timestamp(task.END) - unix_timestamp(task.START)) >0 AND inst.definitionname = "Name of process definition" GROUP BY YEAR(task.START) DESC, MONTH(task.START) DESC,