The entry about the datepicker can be found [[en:software:tim:smartform_basics#datepicker_calender|here]]. ======Changing the date's format in the datepicker====== With this javascript function you can change the date's format in your own datepicker * e.g. 01.01.2017 * e.g. 01-01-2017 This is the format, which is used, when storing the values in the TIM database. This way you get a pretty format for [[en:software:tim:actionhandler:wordtemplatehandler|WordTemplates]], [[en:software:tim:mailnode|Mailnodes] etc. Therefor a new datepicker has to be implemented in the custom.js, which overrides the one in TIM. In the [[en:software:tim:smartform|Smartform]] we need, like with the normal datepicker, input field with a class. In this example the class **datefield** is used.
jQuery is required here and must be imported! jq= (this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView!=null) ? this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView.jQuery : this.form.ownerDocument.parentWindow.jQuery; In the custom file the datepicker is now being initialized in the function initMyDateField (name is freely selectable) gadget.functions.initMyDateField = function(){ jq= (this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView!=null) ? this.form.ownerDocument.defaultView.jQuery : this.form.ownerDocument.parentWindow.jQuery; jq('.datefield').datepicker(jq.datepicker.regional["de"]); } The datepicker can be given different regional formats. In this example "de" was given, which leads to: 31.07.2013 There are of course further formats available, all the way to naming the weekdays and months. Therefor you can look in the jQuery API for datepicker ([[|]]).