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en:software:tim:administration_client [2014/06/25 10:53]
en:software:tim:administration_client [2021/07/01 09:52]
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
-==== Administration Client ===== 
-Any user who wants to log in to the Administration Client needs the right [[rights|rights]] **Administrator** \\ 
-The Administration Client is designed to maintain administrative affairs of the software. 
-The administrator has broad rights, like, for example, the administration of users within a company. 
-In addition, settings specifically for a process definition can be made.  
-{{ :​software:​tim:​admin-uebersicht_2.jpg }} 
-^ Element ^ Description ^ 
-| **1** | Maintenance:​ Here, settings specifically for administrative affairs can be made. See [[#​Verwaltung]]. | 
-| **2** | Context roles: Here, the available context roles are displayed and can be processed. See [[#Context Rollen]]. | 
-| **3** | Timer: Here, the timers needed for a process can be created and processed. See [[#Timer]]. | 
-| **4** | Email Queue : Here, all e-mails sent from the system are displayed in an organized list. The e-mails in this list are then sent via the [[software:​tim:​timer:​sendalldelayedemails| sendAllDelayedEmails ]] or manually. | 
-| **5** | Via a click on the user you get to the user settings where your own user profile can be adapted. See [[user_profile_properties| Userprofil]]. | 
-| **6** | Here, the current user can be logged out.  
-| **7** | Here, the desired language can be chosen via a drop down. | 
-| **8** | Here, the current T!M version and revision can be looked through. The latter is decisive for the support if an error has occured. | 
-The administration unit  is designed in a tree structure. The upmost layer builds the **"​root"​** where you can compile a new client in the [[client| ​ Enterprise Edition]]. The following layer is built by the client profiles.\\ 
-If this is further fanned out, the calendar profile, groups and users build the next layer of the tree. \\    
-The calendar profile shows the feast days which have been registered. \\ 
-The groups are further divided into single groups which are subdivided by the users assigned to that group. \\ 
-The users layer is refined by single users who have been compiled in the system and for that client profile. 
-{{ :​software:​tim:​verwaltung.jpg }} 
-^ Element ^ Description ^ 
-| **1** | Here, the name of the client profile/ client (e.g. "​MNE"​) is displayed. Via a right click and the opening context menu you get to the client profile. Here, widespread settings can be made. See [[:​software:​tim:​client_profile | client profile]]. | 
-| **2** | The first subitem client profile builds the corresponding calendar profile. Via a right click on it new feast days can be added. A right click on it will open a window where the firm-specific calendar profile can be maintained. See [[calendar_profile| calendar profile]]. |  
-| **3** | The main point **"​Groups"​** contains all groups which have been compiled and are important for the processes. Via a right click on this point new groups can be added. \\ A click on a single group will open a window with the settings which can be made for a group. See [[#​EinstellungenGruppe |groups settings]].\\ Via a right click on the group a new user can be added to this group. These users can either be configurated via a click, or be removed via a right click. See [[user_settings| user settings]]. | 
-| **4** | The point **"​Users"​** displays all the users who have been compiled. Via a right click on this point you can either compile new users or jump directly to the tab [[#Context Rollen]]. \\ Via a click on a user the corresponding [[:​software:​tim:​user_profile | user profile]] is opened where widespread settings for the user can be made. A right click will open the [[#User Kontext Menü| context menu]]. | 
-====Context Roles==== 
- {{ :​software:​tim:​contextrollen.jpg }} 
-A click on a context role of this list will open a window where the roles can be adapted. See [[edit_context_role| adapt cotext role]] 
-^ Element ^ Description ^ 
-| **1** | In this column the name of the user for whom the context role was defined is displayed. | 
-| **2** | This column shows which role the user has. | 
-| **3** | This column shows the frame of the context role (e.g. process definition, process instance, processdefinition template) | 
-| **4** | This column shows the unique identification number which reveals for which specific definition/​instance etc. the role is valid. This depends on the chosen context name in column 3. | 
-| **5** | Here you chose on which page of the list of context roles you are. | 
-All regularly executed functions which process time-controlled tasks are called timers. 
-{{ :​software:​tim:​timer-uebersicht.jpg }} 
-Timers can be started/​stopped,​ removed or archived via a right click. 
-^ Element ^ Description ^ 
-| **1** | For reasons of clarity any desired name can be given to a timer. This name is displayed in this column. | 
-| **2** | Here, potential errors which have occured during the execution of the timer are displayed. | 
-| **3** | This column shows the time of the timer'​s last execution. | 
-| **4** | This column shows the time of the timer'​s first execution. | 
-| **5** | This column shows the remaining time until the start of the timer. | 
-| **6** | The symbol in this column shows whether the timer is currently started or stopped. If you see a little green arrow in the bottom right, the timer is started and currently runs. If this arrow is not displayed, the timer is stopped. A click on this symbol will start/stop the timer. | 
-| **7** | Via this button you can create a new timer. See [[create_timer| create timer ]] | 
-====Email Queue==== 
-{{ software:​tim:​email_queue.jpg }} 
-^ Column ^ Description ^ 
-| **Recipient** | Here, the recipient of the e-mail is displayed. | 
-| **Subject** | Here, the subject of the corresponding e-mail is displayed. | 
-| **CC** | Here, if existing, the listed CC is displayed. | 
-| **BCC** | Here, if existing, the listed BCC line is displayed. | 
-| **Attachments** | In this column, if existing, attachments are displayed and can be looked in to. | 
-| **sent on** | If the e-mail was sent from the Queue, the date of sending is displayed in this column. | 
-| **sent from** | If the mail was sent from this Queue, the one who sent it will be displayed. | 
-| **blocked on** | E-mails in this Queue can be blocked. The [[software:​tim:​timer:​sendalldelayedemails| sendAllDelayedEmails ]] Timer ignores these e-mails and does not send them. This column shows you when the e-mail was blocked. | 
-| **blocked by** | This column shows you by which user the e-mail was blocked. | 
-| **Content** | In this column, the textual content of this e-mail is displayed. | 
-| ** delete** | Via this button e-mails can be deleted from the Queue. | 
-| **send** | Via this button you can send e-mails manually, without using the [[software:​tim:​timer:​sendalldelayedemails| sendAllDelayedEmails ]]. |  
-| **(un-) ban**| Via this button it is possible to ban or unban e-mails in this Queue from dispatch. |  
en/software/tim/administration_client.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:52 (external edit)