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Editing e-mails for tasks and groups

It is possible to edit e-mails send by T!M which for example are meant to inform about the assignment of new tasks. The actual text of an e-mail may be changed. To do this, the file has to be opened with a text processing program. You can find this file located in the following directory:


All e-mails may be sent either as a normal text or as HTML-mails.

Notification mails

Via the menu item Notification Mails e-mails informing about the completion of tasks can be edited.

  • notification-assignee-mail-subject : This options changes the subject of an e-mail
  • notification-assignee-mail-text : This option changes the textual content of an e-mail


Via this menu item e-mails informing about archived instances can be edited:

  • archivation-mail-subject : This option changes the subject of an e-mail
  • archivation-mail-text : This option changes the textual content of an e-mail


Via this menu item e-mails informing about AdHoc tasks can be edited:

  • notification-adhoc-close-subject : This option changes the subject of an e-mail
  • notification-adhoc-close-text : This option changes the textual content of an e-mail


Via this menu item texts of e-mails which assign a new task to an employee can be edited:

  • taskmail-subject : This option changes the subject of an e-mail
  • taskmail-text : This option changes the textual content of an e-mail

The content of e-mails which are sent by the system as reminders for unfinished tasks can similarly be edited:

  • taskreminder-subject : This option changes the subject of an e-mail
  • taskreminder-text : This option changes the textual content of an e-mail


E-mails which inform about the escalation of a process are also editable:

  • escalation-email-subject : This option changes the subject of an e-mail
  • escalation-email-message : This option changes the textual content of an e-mail

Using variables in the texts of e-mails

It is possible to use certain key words within the text of e-mails. These key words will then be replaced by a corresponding variable.

  • ${processDefinitionName} : The name of the process definition to which for example the task belongs to
  • ${processInstanceName} : The name of the corresponding process instance
  • ${processInstanceId} : The identification number of the process instance
  • ${processInstanceDescription} : The description which was generated at the start of the process instance
  • ${taskName} : The name of the corresponding task
  • ${nodeName} : The name of the activity to which the task belongs to
  • ${taskId} : The identification number of the task
  • ${nodeId} : The identification number of the activity
  • ${taskLink} : A link that directs to the related task
  • ${taskDescription} : The description of the current task
  • ${baseLink} : This provides access to the baselink of the server on which the task has been set up (e.g.,
  • ${NOW} : The current date
  • ${SEZ, dd.MM.yyyy} : The deadline of completion for the corresponding task as depicted in a chosen format
  • ${JEDEPROZESSVARIABLE} : Any process variable of a process can be used here


HTML-Taskmails can be used to edit the content of an e-mail. For example, pictures can be included in addition to the possibility to embed simple links within the text. In contrast, this option would not be possible to implement with ordinary Taskmails. To enable these kind of functionalities in a HTML-mail the parameter of the Taskmail text has to start with the following value:

<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body>

For example:

taskmail-text=<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body>Sie haben eine neue Aufgabe: ${taskName} <br/>  im Prozess: ${processDefinitionName} erhalten. <br/> \nn\nDirekt zur Aufgabe: <a href="${taskLink}">${taskName}</a></body></html>

Differences between Taskmails with each definition and node (starting with v4.0)

An individualized subject heading and text for each e-mail can be implemented with each definition and/or node. The corresponding entry in the file would then look like this:

taskmail-text-prozessdefinitionsname-nodename-mit-leerzeichen=Hier steht der Taskmailtext für eine bestimmte Node in einem bestimmten Prozess
taskmail-subject-prozessdefinitionsname-nodename-mit-leerzeichen=Ihnen wurde die Aufgabe ${taskName} im Prozess ${processInstanceName} zugewiesen

If possible, an individual text will be specifically dedicated to a specific node with each taskmail. In case that this is not possible, a search for an e-mail will be conducted for the process definition. Finally, if this text is also not available, then the standardized text will be used.
Beispiel für einen individuellen Mailtext je Prozessdefinition:

taskmail-text-prozessdefinitionsname-mit-leerzeichen=Das ist der Aufgabentext von der Prozessdefinition PROZESSDEFIONSNAME
taskmail-subject-prozessdefinitionsname-mit-leerzeichen=Ihnen wurde die Aufgabe ${taskName} im Prozess ${processInstanceName} zugewiesen
Prozessdefinitions- und Nodename müssen klein geschrieben werden! Leerzeichen und Sonderzeichen werden mit einem - dargestellt

Taskmails (De-)aktivieren

Um Taskmails für einzelne Benutzer zu deaktivieren, kann im Benutzerprofil die Option “Benachrichtigung per Mail bevorzugen” Ein-, bzw Ausgeschalten werden. Diese Einstellung existiert auch Systemweit im Clientprofil

en/software/tim/mail_configuration.1416906089.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/01 09:55 (external edit)